Creating avis with FCP for editing on a PC
January 20, 2009 10:55AM
Does anyone have experience with outputting avis on the Mac and having them
sent to a PC for editing.

Someone with a PC would like this to happen but I have these concerns

a) to get over the FAT32 limit with a PC formatted drive, only 4G files would be alowed?
b)If the drive was given was Mac format HFS+, they wouldn't be able to read it.

Any ideas!
Re: Creating avis with FCP for editing on a PC
January 20, 2009 11:00AM
>b)If the drive was given was Mac format HFS+, they wouldn't be able to read it.

With MacDrive you can read HFS+ on a PC.
Re: Creating avis with FCP for editing on a PC
January 20, 2009 12:52PM
You can use Paragon's NTFS driver for Mac as well, this allows you to read and write to NTFS volumes which don't have that file size limit.


Some workflow tools for FCP []
TitleExchange -- juggle titles within FCS, FCPX and many other apps.
Re: Creating avis with FCP for editing on a PC
January 20, 2009 01:39PM
What software is the person on the PC going to be using?

Re: Creating avis with FCP for editing on a PC
January 20, 2009 01:45PM
If you're using HFS+ formatted drives, the person on the PC needs to have MacDrive installed in the machine.

If you're using NTFS formatted drives, you need to have NTFS for Mac installed in your machine.

Without additional software installed, HFS+ formatted volumes are unreadable on a PC, and NTFS formatted volumes are read-only on a Mac.
Re: Creating avis with FCP for editing on a PC
January 21, 2009 08:07AM
It just occurred to me that the Mac and PCs are on the same network;
so I could edit in FCP and write the avi to a PC via the 100base T network.

strypes Wrote:
> If you're using HFS+ formatted drives, the person
> on the PC needs to have MacDrive installed in the
> machine.
> []
> If you're using NTFS formatted drives, you need to
> have NTFS for Mac installed in your machine.
> []
> Without additional software installed, HFS+
> formatted volumes are unreadable on a PC, and NTFS
> formatted volumes are read-only on a Mac.
Re: Creating avis with FCP for editing on a PC
January 21, 2009 08:25AM
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