Subtitles shadows

Posted by dan chapman 
Subtitles shadows
February 28, 2009 12:07PM
I'm doing subtitles this morning.

Is there an easy way to use drop shadows or outlines on subtitles in FCP 5.1.4?


Dual 2.5 Ghz G5, 5GB SDRAM, FCP 6.0.6, QT 7.6.2, OS 10.4.11
Re: Subtitles shadows
February 28, 2009 12:19PM
I just found this info needed on ripple training.

Dual 2.5 Ghz G5, 5GB SDRAM, FCP 6.0.6, QT 7.6.2, OS 10.4.11
Re: Subtitles shadows
February 28, 2009 09:29PM
don't know what you found,
but probaby it was info about the "Drop shadow" pane in the Viewer's "Motion" tab.

this has pros & cons.

main problem is it seems to soak up RT like crazy.
i always get an orange render line when i use it.
must be based on really old coding or something.

there are 3rd party text generators made specifically for subtitling.
there is an ad on the right of this page for one called Text Up Pro, from Spherico filmtools which i recommend.

another one is from Digital Heaven.

both of these offer drop-shadow as part of teh text generator,
and it's much better at playing back in RT.

they both offer something essential for subtitling, IMO:
BOTTOM justification, so you don't need 2 settings for single & double line subtitles.

Text UP Pro has auto-wrapping of the text, which for me makes it the best 3rd party text generator for subtitling.

so the PRO of motion tab drop-shadow is that you can globaly remove it or modify it easily,
using the "remove attributes" and 'paste attributes" functions.

Re: Subtitles shadows
March 01, 2009 10:09AM
That's great, Nick. Thank you. I will check it out. I had to go with the FCP text for this deadline. And it did produce the orange RTs.

Dual 2.5 Ghz G5, 5GB SDRAM, FCP 6.0.6, QT 7.6.2, OS 10.4.11
Re: Subtitles shadows
March 01, 2009 10:42AM
Hi Nick,

Just saw the thread - not anything to add about standard drop shadow handling.
But thanks for for the compliments.


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