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So there's this rumor...Posted by craig seeman
Sevenmac has now received from an anonymous information source a report that the March 24th event should revolve exclusively around software. More precisely, Apple's video Pro Apps should receive updates or see new versions.
German Rumor site translated into English
The timing of such event makes sense. It probably wont be shipping but they'll probably start the pre-order routine.
Third party vendors can tout planed compatibility at NAB. SuperMeet would be the real show (really justifies that they don't need a booth). Quicktime X I think is in the latest developer releases of Snow Leopard so WWDC would be the big "here's the full integration with the new OS" week.
iLife 09 doesn't even mention iDVD on the package. I think Apple is opposed to all optical media at this point. According to Apple I should just hand my clients a web link.
DVDStudioPro will still be there but it'll only get very minor changes. Apple doesn't have a BTO option for Blu-ray for the latest MacPros just released. I really think Apple thinks it can kill the optical disk as a video record/playback medium. Alternatively one would expect a MAJOR overhaul of Compressor so it can handle export to all major (and minor) professional file formats for professional file based delivery. They can't afford to fail at providing professional delivery entirely. Now how to I go about FTPing that 90 minute feature...? Now where are those 49¢ thumb drives I can hand my clients so they can view on their USB enabled HDTV sets...?
How about I get a unified inbox on my iPhone- that would make me almost as happy as Blu-Ray.
Noah Final Cut Studio Training, featuring the HVX200, EX1, EX3, DVX100, DVDSP and Color at [www.callboxlive.com]! Author, RED: The Ultimate Guide to Using the Revolutionary Camera available now at: [www.amazon.com]. Editors Store- Gifts and Gear for Editors: [www.editorsstore.com]
>Apple is finally going to embrace blueray in a big way.
HA! I'll wager against that happening. Blu-Ray licensing is so cost restrictive it's amazing. Sony is a greedy pig trying to get payback for losing the Betamax/VHS war. I hope for the return of HD DVD. And not just because I have an HD DVD player, but because you can burn HD DVDs RIGHT NOW with DVD SP. ![]() www.shanerosseditor.com Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes [itunes.apple.com]
I believe the licensing just had a major drop in price.
I think the big issue is DRM that seems to involve modifying the OS in order to support. Keep in mind that both Toast and Encore support authoring burning to some extent on the Mac. I can't help believe there's some major "underbelly" change to support it through their Quicktime based infrastructure that they don't want to do. I think licensing is only one part of it unless you believe Roxio has money that Apple doesn't.
Apple has more money than god. Apple just doesn't have the will/desire/interest to do it. Apple, despite being one of the first partners in the Blu-ray consortium, and even having the Sony president (or CEO whatever) on stage with Jobsie at Macworld at one point, would really like to drive a stake through the heart of Blu-ray and make it a media center/Apple TV-centric world. In my view that's simply not going to happen unless Apple ponies up and brings something better to the table in terms of quality with Apple TV. The best it can do is 720p and only at 24fps. Until they can deliver 1080p60 they're out of the game. Most video can't be made well into 24fps and the only 29.97 AppleTV supports is crappy 540i, which is just the pits and something that really should have a stake driven through it.
Tom, do you think Jobs' "world of hurt" was a complete lie? I don't think it's about money. I do think there's some major development issue that Apple doesn't want to deal with.
From what I've heard it's related to DRM and OS or Quicktime. It may be that they don't want to take R&D time away from other things to support it. Granted Apple has it in for all optical media and they certainly do NOT offer a viable professional alternative for delivery. Basically I don't think it's about licensing or money but about a significant technical change they don't want to make. They may be hoping (unrealistically I believe) they can wait out the death of the format and avoid making changes that are burdensome in some manor they're not being specific about. Maybe the other consortium members didn't listen to a request of his and his response was "no way, not ever" otherwise. If that's the case maybe he feels he can do them more damage then they can do to Apple. I do agree that AppleTV is really bad product (IMHO) though for the reasons you mention. We can only guess about lack of Blu-ray support but I certainly do NOT think it's about money primarily.
The SuperMeet this year will be more about us, the folks who create using the tools we have been given. The booth will be the same only spread out for 4 days. It will also we hope serve as a gathering spot for everyone. We want the SuperBooth, despite its miniscule size to serve as the place to meet.
The booth is going to be giant fun. Michael Horton -------------------
I think "World of Hurt" was a message aimed directly at Sony and the Blu-Ray licensing consortium. Translation (IMHO):
Those issues may have been addressed since the comment was made, so perhaps we'll see some sort of move towards Blu-Ray in the next version of DVDSP- assuming that's what's coming March 24th. Hope so. ![]() -Noah Final Cut Studio Training, featuring the HVX200, EX1, EX3, DVX100, DVDSP and Color at [www.callboxlive.com]! Author, RED: The Ultimate Guide to Using the Revolutionary Camera available now at: [www.amazon.com]. Editors Store- Gifts and Gear for Editors: [www.editorsstore.com]
Jobs' saying BR is a 'bag of hurt' is a smokescreen, IMO. Like it's been previously said, other computer makers are shipping BR drives and other software makers are shipping BR authoring software. I pretty much agree w/Tom that Apple is trying to leverage its content distribution model (iTMS, AppleTV, etc.,) over BR to the detriment of professional users who need/want BR.
Hopefully Apple stops the posturing sooner rather than later. -A
I still don't get Apple's reasoning as professional authoring on non DRM'd discs for clients has nothing to do with iTunes and AppleTV. Those aren't methods to deliver for corporate or any other professional client. It's like balking on DigiBeta because you don't like BetaMax. Now if Apple provided a PROFESSIONAL DELIVERY ALTERNATIVE that would be another story. I don't see competition. I don't see the relationship at all. Heck Roxio burns discs, it's not a consumer disc playback program. I mean if Apple provided a $10 thumb drive and said "here give this to your client and they can play your file on any PC" that would be a step. And that thumb drive had both USB for computer use and HDMI so it could hook up to any HDTV that would be a step. NONE of this has anything to do with iTunes or AppleTV. I need to hand the client something they can play back on computers and HDTVs. I actually DO UNDERSTAND Apple would prefer a CONSUMER to use Itunes and AppleTV over purchased/rented discs and Blu-ray players but that has ZERO to do with PROFESSIONAL content delivery. Apple doesn't even allude to a tie in. That's why it makes no sense at all.
Apple is basically a consumer products company. Pro apps and pro equipment have become pretty tangential to their core business. I just don't think they make any decisions that might endanger or threaten or adversely impact their core products and what they want consumers to use and do with them. If they feel they can buck Blu-ray and encourage their view of multimedia development and delivery then that's what they'll do, and if it goes against the best interests of the pro end of the market then so be it.
craig seeman Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > > > I still don't get Apple's reasoning as > professional authoring on non DRM'd discs for > clients has nothing to do with iTunes and AppleTV. > Those aren't methods to deliver for corporate or > any other professional client. It's like balking > on DigiBeta because you don't like BetaMax. If Apple adds BR functionality to their machines they can't dictate that it be used solely for the purpose of content creation and not for the purpose of recreationally watching a movie. It's all or nothing and currently Apple is sacrificing professional development for the sake of its content distribution to consumers. Like I said on another forum, Apple isn't the first, and won't be the last, company to hamstring Product X to protect Product Y. For example, I can only imagine the discussions going on at Canon between the DSLR and video camera departments or the consumer electronics guys over at Sony lamenting how they blew twenty years of dominance in the portable music player market because the music label side of the building was afraid of MP3s. -A
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Apple make a lot more money off iPhones and iPods than desktops and pro applications?
If that logic is right, then their two flagship products both benefit a lot more, money-wise, from Apple TV than Blu-Ray. Bad direciton for Final Cut Pro users. ![]() www.derekmok.com
I kinda see the pro and consumer side of the above statements.
Apple could not have gotten as large without pro-apps (FCS, Shake,Adobe, especially protools). So i would think that they would think about that as they move to the next level of products. No One professional would prefer Protools, or Adobe on a pc. They have WAY to many problems. However , to say that apple is more geared towards consumer I would completely disagree. Why would a consumer buy a $4k computer to work in word? I don't think they would when a $699 pc can do the job. I doubt that anyone would think of levying that cost unless they were: A. tired of viruses and breakdowns or B. Considering pro-app use. Apple has a negative gain future if they start forgetting that their computer is the staple of production houses and music studios world wide. Thats a BIG market for Apple to forget. Leveraging their content by saying no too blu-ray is the dumbest idea Apple has. Steve Jobs needs to play nice with the other kids on that one. """ What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have." > > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992 """"
But when Toast and Encore can do it with any number of burners attached to Mac, how does Apple control content creation. You can do content creating and can't playback. Add DVDSP to the apps that can author BR doesn't seem to have any impact on playback. Again I get the consumer playback competition. I don't get AT ALL how authoring has any impact on that. Sorry if I'm dense but what does one have to do with the other. Apple offers alternative consumer playback. They don't offer alternative professional delivery. If they offered an alternative professional delivery method I could see that competition too, but they don't. Do they think that once DVDSP authors Blu-ray someone will hack a playback method? Maybe Apple thinks R&D to implement Blu-ray authoring is a waste of resources because they believe it won't provide any sales expansion because of a lack of demand for Blu-ray delivery in the corporate market or client approval market but that at least would be something that made sense whether one agrees/disagrees with that. I just don't see iTunes and AppleTV playing in that decision making process. Maybe Apple thinks that authoring for DRM'd replication will increase dramatically if they including authoring support in DVDSP. That would be the only consumer tie in I can see. I just don't think DVDSP competes in that arena though. Maybe I'm mistaken but DVDSP doesn't compete in the high end authoring market. It's not Scenarist.
"Apple could not have gotten as large without pro-apps (FCS, Shake,Adobe, especially protools)."
Eh??? Apple would be the size of Avid if that were the case. Apple, Inc. is an iPod and iPhone company that happens to make computers, some high end ones, which it markets with pro apps software. To be honest the pro apps could disappear tomorrow and have very little impact on Apple's bottom line.
Apple sells ProApps to sell MacPros and maybe MacBookPro as a mobile edit system and maybe Xserve as well to some extent. This goes back to the reason why it all began when Avid announced they were ending Mac support and going Windows only (which they sorta changed).
Now if Apple wanted to dump the MacPro line that's another story. It goes back to the speculation about this announcement supposedly happening on March 24. It's to push MacPro sales IMHO. I could see Apple spinning off the ProApps to their own company as long as they could control its use as Mac only. There'd also have to close control of Quicktime support. ProApps themselves may not provide much revenue but MacPros do them a bit better but probably very small compared to iMacs and certainly compared to laptops. Also factor in what portion are buying MacBookPros as mobile edit stations. It's only if ProApps can't drive hardware sales would it devalue. ProApps sells MacPros and some portion of MacBookPros just as iTunes sells iPods and some iPhones.
craig seeman Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > > > Again I get the consumer playback competition. I > don't get AT ALL how authoring has any impact on > that. Sorry if I'm dense but what does one have to > do with the other. Apple offers alternative > consumer playback. They don't offer alternative > professional delivery. If they offered an > alternative professional delivery method I could > see that competition too, but they don't. What one has to do w/the other is that they use the same hardware. If Apple puts in a 'BR SuperDrive' people will expect to be able playback and burn BR discs. If Apple artificially limits the ability of the drive to 'burn only' people will be pissed as it will be clear that Apple is artificially limiting the system and Apple wouldn't be able to hide behind the 'bag of hurt' smokescreen. It's all or nothing. Either everyone gets BR or no one gets BR and the current thinking at Apple, again IMO, is that it's in Apple's best interests to keep BR out of Macs to better push Apple users towards iTMS and AppleTV even if that means professional users have to find third party solutions. I could be wrong, but I believe Apple's biggest sellers, in no particular order, are iPods, iPhones, and laptops. Desktops sales have slipped below laptop sales and I can only imagine how small the "pro user desktop sales" sliver of Apple's pie is. Like I said before, I believe the ProApps are prestige pieces, not money makers. If Apple wanted to make money off pro users they'd sell the FC Suite for around $30,000 not $1300. Apple being such a diverse company is a double edged sword. On one hand it allows them to include a $25k app like Color at no additional charge but on the other hand the ProApps don't get first priority treatment. -A
Surely we are missing the point that Apple need to make the Pro Apps and MacPros to allow people to make the content to fill the AppleTV and iPods to fund the R&D into better ProApps and MacPros and ATV and iPods... Self-perpetuating-media-cycle!
aaaaand don't say that by Apple leaving the market that someone would rush in to fill the gap cus they wouldn't they would just hike the prices cus they are greedy PC using nasty business-only minded people. Avid had the chance and blew it on overpriced underperforming Hardware/Software combos - Premiere is still a joke (but getting better). I mean why would anyone want to edit on a PC? Look at it this way... Its a well known fact that you become more intelligent if you use a Mac. You become more stylish if you use a Mac and so less of a target for fashionistas bitching. If everyone used a Mac then there would be no wars, global warming would level off, politicians would become honest, the rich would share their wealth and everyone would be free to just work well together with no issues. Ok ok so I went a little crazy there fir a moment - but you can't argue with the fact that... ...Chuck Norris uses a Mac! [BODYSLAM!!!] ![]() For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : [www.lafcpug.org]
CHuck Norris turned 69 today.
SIXTY....NINE! Damn I hope I look that good when I am nearly 70. Minus the 'stache. No one wants to see me sporting a 'stache. ![]() www.shanerosseditor.com Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes [itunes.apple.com]
![]() For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : [www.lafcpug.org]
G5 came before iPod, iPhone or Apple TV. Avid is PC based as far as i know and to keep it running smooth like FCP you have to swear off the net. PC's have a low immune system and will screw up at the smallest thing. This is at least 25% of the reason avid sucks bootie when compared to FCP. Protools came before iPod and FCP. Most of the people i know who moved to mac did it because of Protools. Again paying 3-4x more for a mac because of its reliable unix base and its minimal GUI intrusion on the eye. If apple couldn't handle pro apps so well then i could see the consumer point you make my friend but there is no real reason for people to buy Aston Martin if the Hyundai had all the same bells and whistles. I can only think of one thing that a PC is good for and that would be SIMPLE biz apps. ( i am even stretching that.) Plus, Apple pro users who find a way to make macs make money (which is easy to do) normally buy more than 1. Where as a non-pro apps user only needs 1 1200 dollar imac or mac mini. You can buy 8 mac mini's or 3 imacs for the price of 1 mac pro 2.8. quad. The margin is better.
Ben is right. After switching to a mac, my colesterol went down and i lost 50lb. My cat meows less and I dont need Viagra anymore. Look even the war in Iraq is coming to an end because of Apple's increased market share. ![]() In the words of the prophet John Lenon " Imagine all the people living in harmony, you-whooo, you might say, i'm a dreamer but a macs the only way...... ." Everyone waive your lighters and candles in the air. """ What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have." > > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992 """"
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