Re: So there's this rumor...
March 11, 2009 03:29PM
Please God, let's not turn this into an "Final Cut is better than Avid" thing. Because you'll lose. Plus it's just inherently an inherently stupid argument. It's taken a long time for Final Cut to even earn the respect to be compared to Media Composer, and right now the hard truth is that solid creative work can be done with either tool. Preferring one over the other is no sin, but come on, don't be a jackass about it.

Let's be pragmatists for a second here. Are the pro apps secondary to Apple's core consumer electronics business? Yes. So is Mac OS X Server. There are no rumors that Apple's planning to shut down or spin off their server product, so I think it's equally specious to wonder aloud whether they're going to spin off or cancel the pro apps. Apple is, above all else, a business, and they'll keep doing whatever is profitable now, whatever they think can be profitable in the future, or whatever generates peace-dividend benefits that pay off in non-bottom-line ways.

Re: So there's this rumor...
March 11, 2009 04:17PM
sorry jeff that was a bit harsh in the comparisons. I was really trying to get at why people use Macpros and pro apps.

I believe that if apple wasn't considered a pro computer it would not have the same appeal. Except to those who are tired of doing computer maintenance fifty-eleven times a year. (An iMac could end that no problem.)

Like why would you but a g5 ppc if all you do is OfficeX stuff. The macs can run windows apps without using 15% of its processing ability. You don't need more than 1 gigs of ram to run them apps either.

When you say i have a MacPro people look at you differently and expect better results also. Often times those results are the same as you could get on a pc but because you said Mac they think its better.

Remember, that price point is how the majority of non-versed people determine quality. That production house's computers cost more therefore its better in a lot of peoples minds.

""" What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have."

> > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992
Re: So there's this rumor...
March 11, 2009 07:58PM

Apple could not have gotten as large without pro-apps (FCS, Shake,Adobe, especially protools).

For those of you that are thoroughly confused by corbetts' personal industry nomenclature, "Pro-Apps" is an "Apple word" for it's very own "Pro Applications". Adobe and Pro Tools are NOT "Pro-Apps" so they have nothing to do with Apple "getting large":


Apple got into the "Pro-Apps" business to sell computers...period.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: So there's this rumor...
March 11, 2009 08:07PM
Read corbett...


Apple to double Market Share by 2011 and not a "Pro-App" to be mentioned. It is built on the momentum of the iPod & iPhone.

Thanks Tom Wolsky...for the FACTS smileys with beer

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: So there's this rumor...
March 12, 2009 08:50AM
PRO-fessional APP-lications

It make no difference what any company calls their apps. If you compare Pixelmator to PS and someone asks you, "Which one of these are a professional application?", what are you gonna say? NIETHER?

Its a Moot point you made there joe and i don't think anyone was confused as to what i said.

However about that article it did say,

?Apple is challenging its competitors with software integration that provides ease of use and flexibility; continuous and more frequent innovation in hardware and software".......

According to my word find they use the term " software " 8x. But i guess to you FCS and Shake are not software.

I tried to find a breakdown of the 2008 product reports but didn't last night. I will search again today.

Ipod is Apples new Cash Cow along iPhone's 7% hold in the wireless market. The iMac is a big seller also, but I doubt if those three products could maintain Apple as a company for long.

The iPod is now heavily saturated and are the most expensive mp3 /.mov / data players on the market. This economy says to me that the little 50-80 buck Thing-a-ma-jigs will rise in sales over the iPod.

I would also add that the iPhone is un-insurable by Apple or AT&T. So, if you break one you have to buy a new phone at 199 as opposed to the Blackberry line which can be insured and replaced for 50 bucks (sometimes free). iPhones as a means of business communication ( provided in most cases by the employer ) are not cost effective in the long or short term due to replacement cost.

The iPod can't make you money so the purchase is not about maximizing or expanding. Its purely a want unless you DJ for a living. MacPros make money at times by accidental epiphany.

iMacs are a very good alternative to the pc's long history of being infected. So for IT cost alone the iMac can effect a companies bottom line positively, running Vista better than a PC with no known malicious incursions due to internet exposure.

Maybe, Apple should not use data from last year as its only guidance as to what they should do next. This fiscal environment is changing a lot of spending habits. People are thinking VALUE.

""" What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have."

> > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992
Re: So there's this rumor...
March 12, 2009 09:35AM
I would kindly ask that everyone shut the hell up about guessing what Apple has in mind, predicting their course of action and go back to wondering why people born in adjacent star signs are incompatible with each other, or go read tea leaves, or work on your phlogiston engine. You know, something USEFUL.
It's like listening to a room full of teenagers talk about what's wrong with adults: they might be right but they're probably wrong, the quality of communication is irritating to listen to, and it's mostly about what's going on underneath the words, like, "look how much I know" and "I hope the cool kids think I'm cool".

Please, everyone, shut up about this.

Crankypants L. Siderail III


Re: So there's this rumor...
March 12, 2009 10:00AM
Seconded. Emphatically.

Re: So there's this rumor...
March 12, 2009 10:01AM
Just to clear up one mis-stated fact here, and I don't remember who said it...

Avid certainly is NOT a PC-only system. There was a little string o'time a while back when they did leave the Mac platform, but they are definitely back.

I've been working on routinely updated Avids almost since their inception. Virtually all of them have been Macs. Many of my client's simply chose not to upgrade during the "PC Years".

In fact, the one that's currently sitting waiting to be installed in a client's facility next week is a MacPro.

The flowers and puppy were a good call, Crankypants!!

Re: So there's this rumor...
March 12, 2009 10:08AM

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: So there's this rumor...
March 12, 2009 10:12AM
I don't think Avid ever actually left the Mac platform did they? I know they wanted to but there was a big uproar and they soon backpedaled. For a while PC development at Avid was ahead of Mac development but I think a year or two ago they changed that so both versions of the software get updated at the same time.

Re: So there's this rumor...
March 12, 2009 10:28AM
Ohhh....taxing the memory again. Luckily, there's Google!

Here's one article from '99 talking about it looming. My google-fu is weak, and I just decided not to go spelunking any longer:


Honestly, I just don't remember all the details anymore. I know I was involved in many long conversations about what to do next, of which most culminated in upgrades being put off for a couple years. By that time, if Avid had stopped producing new Mac products, they had already returned. It would have been a relatively short hiatus.

Of course, Avid kept supporting existing products on the Mac platform, but I do think there was at least a short time where there were no new Mac systems available. They at least were dragging their feet.

Re: So there's this rumor...
March 12, 2009 10:40AM
"but I doubt if those three products (iPod, iPhone and iMac) could maintain Apple as a company for long."

That may be hands down the most ridiculous statement you have ever made. These products make by far the bulk of the billions of dollars of revenue Apple generates every quarter.
Re: So there's this rumor...
March 12, 2009 01:03PM
Have you all been using PCs?

Everyone is sounding a little edgy tongue sticking out smiley


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Re: So there's this rumor...
March 12, 2009 01:32PM
grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: So there's this rumor...
March 12, 2009 01:36PM
Here's a smart little puppy wuppy...doing his business on a PC ("What do you mean the Warranty won't cover pee-pee, pal?!?!"winking smiley:

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: So there's this rumor...
March 12, 2009 01:41PM
LOL that is so funny Joey
Re: So there's this rumor...
March 12, 2009 03:56PM
That dog is well trained on that PC. Its owner is a genius.

I second that TOM. It might be the craziest thing i have ever said. shoulda deleted the statement.

I see the iPod phenomena as a well timed trend that turned into a multi-use file storage machine. They were the top brand and still are but not by the same margin as 07. They had less competition then.


But going back to something a poster said

"Surely we are missing the point that Apple need to make the Pro Apps and MacPros to allow people to make the content to fill the AppleTV and iPods to fund the R&D into better ProApps and MacPros and ATV and iPods... Self-perpetuating-media-cycle!"

The iPod is in need of the the supporting chain or its competitor will attack it to dent Apple profits. (sorta like apple being mad at the blue-ray thingy)

My only thing is that MacPros are the best computers on the market hands down and IS A PROFESSIONALS CPU.

I think that leaving the proapps behind or selling them off changes the intent of their direction and over time may cause them to lower the processor power for proapps as they will be more for the basic user in their minds.

When Steve Jobs is gone that company will not be the same. Trust me on that.

""" What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have."

> > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992
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