Multiclip HELP PLEASE!
March 11, 2009 08:56PM

I've made many multiclips in the past...and for some reason (maybe I've changed FCP settings...???) multiclipping is NOT working. I have 3 cameras all synced up in my timeline and I've used the blade tool to get the section that I want to make a multiclip out of. I highlight all 9 tracks (3 video, 6 audio) and drag them into a bin. However, only 5 audio tracks are actually going into the bin. Then, I tried to drag each one individually which seemed to work, however when I select them all to make a multiclip, it only does one angle with audio and video, and the other angle is video, and then another angle of just audio. please HELP! thanks.

Re: Multiclip HELP PLEASE!
March 11, 2009 09:32PM
You're working with external audio?

Re: Multiclip HELP PLEASE!
March 11, 2009 09:32PM
make sure all your cips are still linked in the timeline.
linked clips have their name underlined

if they have become un-linked for some reason,
select both the picture and audio in the timeline, and hit Apple L to re-link.
you can only do one clip at a time.

Re: Multiclip HELP PLEASE!
March 12, 2009 02:20PM
select both the picture and audio in the timeline, and hit Apple L to re-link.

If you have a newer Apple keyboard that would be Command L


"When I see you floating down the gutter I'll give you a bottle of wine."
Captain Beefheart, Trout Mask Replica.
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