Pixilation added from viewer to canvas
April 09, 2009 01:46PM
When I import a jpg photo it looks normal in the viewer, but when I drag it into the timeline and look at it in the canvas, it is very pixilated (even after it is rendered). The problem (if it is indeed the same issue) seems to be also generating some pixilation in the normal SD video footage on the final DVD that I have created in DVD Studio Pro. I see this pixilation when I play the DVD on a normal large screen TV.
Is there a setting that I should make to eliminate this pixilation? Now that I've spent days editing the sequence, can I rectify this without starting over?
My sequence and capture presets are at DV NTSC 48kHz, playback Apple FireWire NTSC (720 x 480). I'm on FCP 5.1.4, Mac G4 1.0GHz, 1.7G Ram
Thanks for the help!
Re: Pixilation added from viewer to canvas
April 09, 2009 03:16PM
You're taking a 720x480 image that's been ridiculously compressed down to DV and blowing it up to three or four feet across. "Pixilation" is normal. Are you seeing something that you think is abnormal?

Re: Pixilation added from viewer to canvas
April 10, 2009 01:13PM
To expand on what Jeff said, when you look a something in the Viewer you are looking at it in it's native format. When you look at something in the Canvas you are seeing after it has been compressed by your timeline format (in this case DV). If you want to make it look less pixilated you need to work in a higher quality format (DV50, ProRes, Uncompressed, etc.,). When you make a DVD you are adding another round of strong compression which obviously isn't helping anything.

Re: Pixilation added from viewer to canvas
April 10, 2009 07:33PM
Also, the start size of your jpeg is important. If it's a postage stamp sized logo from the web, you're never going to get rid of the pixelation when trying to blow it up to 720 x 480. For best results, start with a picture that is already 720 x 480. This will at least help in the sd version.

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