2 TB Internal Drives

Posted by mattsilfen 
2 TB Internal Drives
April 09, 2009 09:37PM
I currently have 3 of 4 internal hard drive bays filled in my octocore mac pro and was looking to fill the 4th. I see OWC has a 2 TB Seagate available to purchase. Does anyone have anything good or bad to say about this drive?

By the way, I'll be editing DVCPRO HD footage. And these are NOT in a RAID.

Any input would be great.

Re: 2 TB Internal Drives
April 10, 2009 12:23PM
After the debacle with the last gen 1.5TB Seagates I would wait a couple of months to see if there are any issues on google then make a decision.

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Re: 2 TB Internal Drives
April 10, 2009 01:31PM
Thanks Ben!

Actually on 2nd look this is a Western Digital drive. Does that change your suggesition at all?
Re: 2 TB Internal Drives
April 10, 2009 09:23PM
Woops...does for me. WD = garbage.I would go with Seagate - especially after the debacle they just went through. You would think they would work twice as hard to let something like that ever happen again winking smiley

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