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Nothing about the Supermeet?Posted by Dan Brockett
Dude...we are all VERY busy walking around and lookng at stuff and meeting people...
...and not wanting to pay $10 a day for internet access. Oh, and partying. I am back too, but I missed most of the meeting...I was talking with people in the lobby for 2 hours. HUGE CROWD...biggest one ever I think. ![]() www.shanerosseditor.com Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes [itunes.apple.com]
now, my feedback:
it was very interesting talking to the vendors and learning about all those new products...some really amazing stuff. I think though cos there were sooo many ppl attending that it's not something newbies should be going to alone...like I was, because everybody was pretty much standing in groups and I didn't see any one of you guys I know from photos which was really disappointing. ![]() Or maybe we could have a party in another room...parties are always the best ways to get to know each other. Or a kind of "meet and greet" kinda thread for ppl who will be alone at the Supermeet so they can get to know each other and don't have to stand around and eat and drink alone. And now, what really really bugged me and why I left in the MIDDLE of the raffle: I had bought all the tickets I could get and was really excited to win...until I realized how "shy" people, meaning the people who wouldn't jump around for joy, were treated. I was sitting there holding my tickets and was really thinking "unless it's something I really want I'll keep sitting if I win". I guess it shouldn't be like that. Why are people who won't embarrass themselves in front of 1,500 or more people are being "booed" at and then getting less prizes than the others? It had a game show character and shouldn't happen at a place with so many sophisticated people. There were several winners who didn't feel well walking towards the stage. You could tell. I hope this was just a one-time thing that got a little out of hand, otherwise I'll never participate in the raffle again...I threw my tickets away outside. I thought I should write this cos I don't think you meant any disrespect or so and maybe you never heard that other site...the site of the more shy people. not everybody wants to put his/her feelings at the ceiling for everybody to see...doesn't mean they're not bursting of joy inside. ![]()
Well, I didn't make it far into the room. I got there at the break, ran into people right away...then on hour later FINALLY made it to the other side of the room to talk to the Artbeats gals (I did a tutorial for them). Everytime I finished talking to someone there was another person waiting to talk to me. Or someone pointed me out and the person they were talking to would say "That's Shane Ross? Really?" And they'd come over and talk. Which was fine, I love meeting new people, I just didn't get to do the rounds like I wanted. Then I left at 10:00 PM (Sorry Michael) to go to the AJA party.
As for the "If you win, show some enthusiasm" thing, that is the way it has always been. The justification is that dude, YOU WON SOMETHING! And the sponsors, at least at the supermeets, are there. But I can totally understand the shy thing. And yeah, Michael can tend to make people feel like heels if they don't show enthusiasm. I guess we didn't think about the shyness factor. But know, this is not intentional razzing...he's excited you won something, he wants the winners to show appreciation for winning something (especially the big stuff). OK, now I have to catch up on my editing that I missed while I was away for 3 days. ![]() www.shanerosseditor.com Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes [itunes.apple.com]
I had heard that...people booing winners that weren't pulling their pants over their heads with joy. That sux. You buy your tickets - you win a prize. Screw the people booing. Shame on you - no class.
On the other hand...if I won a $5,000 camera, I just might pull my pants over my head and run down the isle screaming ![]() When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade. ![]()
grafixjoe Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > I had heard that...people booing winners that > weren't pulling their pants over their heads with > joy. That sux. You buy your tickets - you win a > prize. Screw the people booing. Shame on you - no > class. > > On the other hand...if I won a $5,000 camera, I > just might pull my pants over my head and run down > the isle screaming ![]() yeah, the prizes are great and if people freak out for joy it's great to see, I agree with that. I'm just not that kind of person (and neither were a couple of the winners) and I was getting AFRAID to win something. like I said, I threw away my tickets. I understand too that it's also important for the sponsors to see that the people are excited...but hey, if I would've won something I would've went over to the booth of the guys and bought them drinks after the show to express my appreciation. ![]()
BOO'D?? Why the heck would people BOO someone if they don't act excited? Sorry, but that is definately NO CLASS. Mike saying "This is all you get" is fine...but to boo? Man, I should have stayed...I'd have leapt to the stage and shut them up.
Maybe....if I had some beers. I'm shy too. ![]() www.shanerosseditor.com Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes [itunes.apple.com]
Dan Brockett Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Shane: > > I expect live Twitter, Blackberry/iPhone blogging > from you crazy hardcore technologists as the event > is happening. What the heck is going on with you > guys? Drink more coffee and fire up the thumbs! > ;-) > > D You should be following the people that did twitter on the event or at least learn how to do the search.twitter.com thing then.... There were updates.... -- Eric Harnden Quintessential Studios --------------------------------- [wordpress.quintessentialstudios.net] [twitter.com]
And for the record, I hate the "get crazy" and win more part, after all there is a reason I'm "below the line" and not in front of the camera.... But...
I've been going to LAFCPUG events for a little over a year now and having to yell "wa-hoo" a bit has gotten me more and more out of my shell and I thank Michael for that. A year ago, I wasn't even able to say "hi" to people at the meetings; now I'm a part of "the group" and I talk to as many people as I can. And here's an update for you: I won a Blackmagic Design Studio Video Hub!!! And because I acted crazy, I got about $400 worth of extra stuff!!! And the girl that won the JVC camera rubbed me and my new twitter friend (another LA editor) for good luck before the show.... (We were both winners at the night before's MediaMotion Cafe event!) And what was she talking about before the show, "What camera should I get?" How's that for irony! I also caught a Blackmagic Design Video converter and gave it to the girl sitting next to me, that I met there. And the winner of the HP LTO-4 Drive was sitting right in front of me! And I got his card and he's in LA and goes to those meetings. Rick Young of MacVideo will post videos from the event, I'm sure. Also, the show was outstanding! (except the polar bear thing could have been a bit shorter.... this is an editing group....) I will be posting a BLOG entry about the event soon at: [wordpress.quintessentialstudios.net] If you want to follow ME on twitter, I'm quintessential. Peace Out! -- Eric Harnden Quintessential Studios --------------------------------- [wordpress.quintessentialstudios.net] [twitter.com]
OH! and I think a lot of people got lost by inadvertently going to the International Lingerie Convention next door!
-- Eric Harnden Quintessential Studios --------------------------------- [wordpress.quintessentialstudios.net] [twitter.com]
[It had a game show character and shouldn't happen at a place with so many sophisticated people. There were several winners who didn't feel well walking towards the stage. You could tell. ]
Sounds like Michael all right. I agree with Shane (because I'm shy too) -- just collect your prize and break into tears, "I really love you guys"-- they'll let you go. And you can save your energy for the parties. [If Michael tries the same thing in London in June, he might find it harder to get the Brits to play to the crowd.] Not pants over the head-- special effects, like an exploding head, or a pogo stick, or something droll. - Loren during break in class
I have the DVD but haven't looked into it too deep. Lots of free plugins, few free stock footage shots, the Supermag (well worth it). Quite a thing to have. Oh, Tutorials...but I only looked at what I mentioned.
![]() www.shanerosseditor.com Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes [itunes.apple.com]
Shane Ross Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > BOO'D?? Why the heck would people BOO someone if > they don't act excited? Sorry, but that is > definately NO CLASS. Mike saying "This is all you > get" is fine...but to boo? Man, I should have > stayed...I'd have leapt to the stage and shut them > up. > > Maybe....if I had some beers. I'm shy too. My point exactly. I know this is weird for me as a newbie critising...but I flew over from Germany for this... I get that it's just supposed to be fun but the ppl adore Michael...they'll do what he wants and this is exactly what happened because they did not boo from the beginning. it was sort of typical "mass behavior". Again, I was afraid to win...does that make sense to anyone? I mean, it shouldn't be like that. In future I will try to make it to the smaller meetings in L.A. and hopefully be able to actually meet you guys...don't wanna ask questions (not too many anyway) but get to know you and hang out. ![]()
> I know this is weird for me as a newbie critising...but I flew over from Germany for this...
It's a perfectly legitimate critique...it's a form of peer pressure. Americans love to party hard and scream, and a byproduct of that mass mentality is that people who don't go so far in the boisterous behaviour are considered "party poopers", a drag. It's too bad people don't feel like embracing both -- the quiet ones as well as the party-hard ones. Every party has wallflowers, and it's not cool to pester them. I'm the "keep to myself" type as well. ![]() www.derekmok.com
It's not just you, Katrin. I wasn't there ? NAB eluded me this year ? but I'm shy to the point of it bordering on a personality disorder. From what I've heard described, I would have been incredibly uncomfortable. It doesn't sound like anybody was being malicious; it just sounds like certain people made certain assumptions about what other people wanted or would be into. That happens sometimes.
But yeah, if it makes you feel any better, I think I'm with you on this one. ![]()
The best part of the REDuser event for me was getting to be the fly on the wall watching Graeme telling Michael Horton and Ben King about not knowing for certain that they had shown last year's RED reel encoded with his RED Ray until after he'd seen it! The honest look on his face worth the price of admission!
![]() Also, I've never heard the use of the word "gobsmacked" in a real conversation! debe
@Jeff and Derek: thank you guys, yeah, that ACTUALLY makes me feel better. the thing is once I know the people around me I'm totally ok with letting go and I LOVE to party...but more than 1000 ppl, a different language, probably everybody being a more experienced editor than I am...that can be pretty intimidating.
so, other than that...I'd still love to meet you guys ![]()
I looked all over for you but I never met you. Wish you had come to dinner with us after the meeting. Hopefully you are still around to attend the L.A. Final Cut Pro User Group meeting this Wednesday night in Hollywood. We have pizza after. Dan, Eric Harden @quintessential on twitter tweeted a lot about NAB you should follow him. Oh Shoot I need to get the winner pictures to Dan and Mike This is the first time people were Boo'd They may get heckeled or ooh'd but until last meeting never Boo'd. But dang it you still get prize and you can always just walk back with a prize and normally a Great prize and that's Pay Back! ------------------------ Dean "When I see you floating down the gutter I'll give you a bottle of wine." Captain Beefheart, Trout Mask Replica.
SUGGESTION: These meets usually encompass many folk that frequent this forum and want to see & meet their gurus / helpers / acquaintances. Do you guys wear name tags at these things? Why not put under your name (if you didn't register with your own name), your LAFCPUG NAME? That way people can finally put a face to the name. I know I personally would like to see some faces of the peeps I have been interacting with here over the years.
When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade. ![]()
I did too. But I didn't get far into the meeting. I was there for an hour and a half and couldn't get past the sponsor area. A LOT of people who knew me online met me. Sorry that others did not. Not to say "sorry that you weren't graced by my presence," but sorry that I didn't get to meet YOU.
All the people I met at NAB who knew me from the various forums were a joy to meet. A man from Orange county who had Avids and FCP systems, and liked that I liked both and wasn't a fanboy. An editor from Israel who's first words from his mouth were "Shane, you are WRONG!" And then we talked about how wrong I was about some things, and how he was about others...so I learned some new things. No one can be right all of the time. I even met Andy Neil, who appears here and other places...and that is cool to meet the regular posters. AND BEN KING! The man knows how to dress. I wish I had a suit like his man...whoooooo! ![]() www.shanerosseditor.com Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes [itunes.apple.com]
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