Formats: mpeg2 - wmv - mov

Posted by PG 
Formats: mpeg2 - wmv - mov
May 21, 2009 05:34PM
A client requests that I send him a 4 minute composite video in the following formats:


Having never done this before I do not know the process for rendering the three formats.

Does it require a third party software or can it be achieved directly from FCP?

I am using Mac OS 10.5.6 and all footage is in the SD format.

Thanks for your assistance.
Re: Formats: mpeg2 - wmv - mov
May 21, 2009 05:54PM
MPEG-2 and "mov" aren't formats; they're whole families of formats. You need a lot more specific information.

Compressor will generate whatever Quicktime format your client wants. It might generate your MPEG-2, depending on what your client needs.

I don't know anything about WMV; sorry.

Re: Formats: mpeg2 - wmv - mov
May 21, 2009 06:30PM
The client probably needs a program stream mpeg2. The easiest way for me is to use mpegstreamclip (it's free). Just export a self-contained quicktime, drop it in mpegstreamclips and export an mpeg with MP2 audio.

for a WMV get flip4mac (it's not free).

As far as an .mov you need to ask the client specifically what he needs and what it will be used for.

Re: Formats: mpeg2 - wmv - mov
May 21, 2009 06:32PM
OK...thought can do a program stream MPEG-2 in Compressor as well...
Re: Formats: mpeg2 - wmv - mov
May 21, 2009 09:47PM
Thanks guys. This is the information and leads that I need.

Gotta keep the client happy.
Re: Formats: mpeg2 - wmv - mov
May 21, 2009 10:08PM
For WMV and MOV you can use DV Kitchen:


If the client wants H.264 MOV (is this for the web?) DV Kitchen is the best in the world at that.

You can use the 20 day trial for free, but when you purchase remember to type:


in the "referral code" field to save you money and help support lafcpug!
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