Nightmare with simple thing.

Posted by Flavio 
Nightmare with simple thing.
June 04, 2009 05:31PM

I´m working with this iStock video (a curtain wich opens), and need to make the matte channel transparent to place some video in the background.

The iSotck video has the video first, and then the matte channel.

In Avid, what I do is to edit the matte part of the video, add a matte key effect, step inside the effect, and edit there the part of the video with the curtain. So the curtain opens and there´s the video behind the curtain.

How do you do this in FCP?

I´ve tried everything, editing the curtain, adding a image mask effect, and adding the mask to the effect, but it´s not working.

Really, this should be simple.

How shoulg I do this?


Re: Nightmare with simple thing.
June 04, 2009 06:10PM
this is not the best way but you could....

if the its black in the areas where you want the video you could chroma or luma key the black out.

size your video to fit. keying may be necessary.

show us 3 screen shots front, middle (to show curtain movements) and the end. It would be better to gage that way.

you can also give the istock item number or tittle so i could find it.

""" What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have."

> > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992
Re: Nightmare with simple thing.
June 04, 2009 06:17PM
I´ve tried that.

The problem is, there are black areas in the curtain too, so a color key doesn´t help.

But the thing is: there must be a way to apply the matte mask of the clip to the clip itself.

So simple in Avid, but I just don´t know how to do it in FCP

The iStock clip is: 000002574602HD1080

Thansk for your asnser, BTW.

Re: Nightmare with simple thing.
June 04, 2009 06:53PM
What's wrong with just using the matte clip as a luma track matte over the fill clip?

Re: Nightmare with simple thing.
June 04, 2009 07:07PM
that sounds great, but do you do that?
Re: Nightmare with simple thing.
June 05, 2009 07:34AM
Put the matte clip where you want it on the timeline, put the fill clip in the layer above it. Right click on the fill (top) clip and go to Composite Modes. Go to the bottom and select Travel Matte-Alpha.

That should do it. (there are other ways to access Composite Mode. If interested, you can look that up in the manual or Button List)

Re: Nightmare with simple thing.
June 05, 2009 11:30AM
If debe's travel matte alpha doesn't work, try travel matte luma. Not all clips carry the correct alpha information.

Re: Nightmare with simple thing.
June 07, 2009 11:14AM
And you might have to use Color Correction to treat the curtain track to avoid filling in blacks parts of the curtain (fooling around with gamma, black levels, etc), but as you see, it's just as easy in FCP.

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