RAID Cards

Posted by VPiccin 
RAID Cards
July 21, 2009 01:12PM
I may have to set up a system in a couple of months that will live on a remote truck . For space considerations I am planning on putting a RAID card in the MacPro and using the internal bays for my Media drive. My current plan is to just order the computer with the RAID card that Mac sells and set three bays up as RAID 5.

In another thread someone mentioned using the CalDigt RAID card.

Anyone using either system? Any raves or rants about either?


Re: RAID Cards
July 21, 2009 03:33PM
The Caldigit card is half the price of Apple's.

The CalDigit card is something you can install and remove. Apple's requires that they install or remove.

The CalDigit model allows you to add additional external storage when you need to expand, ie the HD ELEMENT.

But no, I don't have one.

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Re: RAID Cards
July 21, 2009 04:11PM
Barefeats did a comparison of the cards a while ago. Check it out.

Re: RAID Cards
July 21, 2009 04:13PM
There are plenty of people out there that DO own our RAID card. I know of several LAFCPUG users that are included in the mix. Hopefully someone will chime in.
Re: RAID Cards
July 21, 2009 04:33PM
Thanks for the tips. Strypes I just read the comparison at Barefeats. Seems like the Cal Digital Card offers more features for less money. What is not to like?

Jon, are these generally available? When and if I find out about this gig will I have delivery delays?

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