FCS 3 recently installed. Went to the Soundtrack Pro Help menu but a message comes up saying that it requires Javascript which, if not enabled, I would not be able to see content. Didn't know the installation had disconnected it but anyone know how to get things right again?
thanks, Steve steve-sharksdelight
Ok, here's what I had to do just in case anyone else comes up with the same issue. I called Apple Support and he had me open up the Terminal in the Utilities folder. He then emailed me this:
defaults write com.apple.helpviewer WebKitJavaScriptEnabled -bool yes which I copied and pasted in the terminal window. Now all is well. I asked him where and how he got this info and he just said it was from a friend he works with and didn't know where the doc could be found. He said I was the 2nd individual with this issue. Steve steve-sharksdelight
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