DSR-11 needs servicing in Los Angeles
August 10, 2009 03:20PM
Hello to all,

My DSR-11 needs servicing. Any recommendations for where to take it, in or around the Los Angeles area?

As always, thanks in advance!

Re: DSR-11 needs servicing in Los Angeles
August 10, 2009 03:30PM
I had mine serviced with the Sony repair in LA.
It was a flat rate I don't remember what the rate was as its been about 3 years now.

As I am not sure if you can post phone numbers, send me an email at:
dcaprod@mac.com and I will forward along the phone number.


Re: DSR-11 needs servicing in Los Angeles
August 10, 2009 03:47PM
Try Montorse Inc. These guys support lafcpug in the raffle so least we can do is support them


And they will give you a deal as a member of lafcpug

Michael Horton
Re: DSR-11 needs servicing in Los Angeles
August 10, 2009 04:51PM
The Sony Service Center is located in Glendale...a freeway exit off the I-5. I took mine there when I had issues with my tape head.


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