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WD Firewire Drive won't mountPosted by rpearlster
My 500 GB WD Mybook suddenly decided not to mount for an unknown reason. The drive appears in the system profiler and in Disk Utility. I did a repair on the disk and Disk Utility says it appears to be OK. When I mount it through DU it says "will not mount, try to repair". Which I do to no avail. Any way I can fix this? There's a lot on this drive unfortunately (I now have to back up my backups.) thanks, rachel pearl
Those MyBooks are the worst at mounting.
1. Disconnect all plugs 2. Connect Power 3. Allow :30 for drives to spin up 4. Connect Cable to Drive 5. Connect Cable to Computer Kevin Monahan Social Support Lead, DV Products Adobe Adobe After Effects Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro Community Blog Follow Me on Twitter!
I've also had luck taking the offending MyBook drive & connecting to another computer. After unmounting it on the second computer, I then reconnect it to the other machine and it mounts.
Something to do with a communication error between the machine and the drive that gets cleared up when a second computer is put into the mix. I can ask the Technogeek how we discovered that one when he gets back, if anyone is interested. debe
You keep getting that Star Wars reference wrong...it's "A New Hope" and Anakin has already become Darth Vader in that chapter... ![]() On Topic again: WD (Worthless Drive) MyBooks...mount when the feel like it. You can try to power everything down, connect the drive, power it up, power up your computer, rub your belly, pat your head and hope for the best. When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade. ![]()
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