can you install a ProRes encoder without FCP?

Posted by Jay M 
can you install a ProRes encoder without FCP?
August 11, 2009 03:06PM
We record a multi-cam show onto 5 Xserves. We currently use the DVCpro50 codec to record.

I want to use ProRes 422 instead so the resulting QT files can be Windows compatible.

I can't figure out how to install the ProRes codec without installing FCP onto those machines.

Does anyone know how to do this?

Re: can you install a ProRes encoder without FCP?
August 11, 2009 03:19PM
Sorry, not possible. The encoder only comes with FCP.

And to make them "Windows Compatible," you'll need to install the ProRes DECODER on the windows machines. ProRes is not a windows compatible format without a decoder.

Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes
Re: can you install a ProRes encoder without FCP?
August 11, 2009 03:47PM
If I have FCP, but don't want to install it, can I just pull it off of the FCP install disc? I did something like that to install the DVCproHD codec.

I'm aware that I need a decoder for Windows.... no codec is compatible without a decoder.

Re: can you install a ProRes encoder without FCP?
August 11, 2009 04:03PM
I suppose it might be possible to do that, somehow, but you absolutely shouldn't. Apart from being an obvious tinkering-with-system-components-in-an-unsupported-way problem, there's the that-encoder-is-only-licensed-for-use-with-Final-Cut problem.

The Final Cut encoder Quicktime component is essentially part of Final Cut Pro.

If you want to go to ProRes, check out Telestream's Pipeline encoder. It's a little hardware widget about the size of a hardback book (for the single-channel model) that takes in video and writes out Quicktime in one of several formats over Ethernet, in real time.

Re: can you install a ProRes encoder without FCP?
August 11, 2009 04:49PM
I like the idea of the Telestream box, but I already have capture hardware. And for that kind of money I think I would prefer to move up to the Ki Pro which does Prores HQ and is a complete system.

Does anyone make capture software that includes the Prores codec? I know there are at least three hardware products that use the Prores codec: Aja with their Ki and IoHD, and Telestream with their Pipeline.

I have no intention of doing any editing on the ingest stations. Is there a way to install just FCP without installing all the DVDs worth of content? I would never even want to launch FCP on those machines.

Re: can you install a ProRes encoder without FCP?
August 11, 2009 04:53PM
You can only get the ProRes encoder with FCP...pure and simple. No other "capture software" includes it. Period.

And you can install just FCP...use the CUSTOM install option. But you will need a new copy for that machine.

Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes
Re: can you install a ProRes encoder without FCP?
August 11, 2009 05:26PM
Thanks Shane,

5 copies of FCP is still the cheapest option.

Re: can you install a ProRes encoder without FCP?
August 11, 2009 05:37PM
Look into volume licenses for FCP before you buy 5 individual copies.

Sleeplings, AWAKE!
Re: can you install a ProRes encoder without FCP?
August 11, 2009 07:16PM
>And to make them "Windows Compatible," you'll need to install the ProRes DECODER on the windows machines. ProRes is not a windows compatible format without a decoder.

FWIW, the latest Quicktime (both Mac and PC) has the ProRes decode (playback) as standard ... so if you have the latest version of Quicktime on your PC then ProRes would indeed be a compatible format.

(I went to install the ProRes decode for windows component on an Edius box here a few months back, downloaded the decode component but it wouldn't install because the machine only had QT6. I downloaded and installed QT7 and tried again with the ProRes install, at which point it reported that the codec was already installed ... pretty sure that indicates the standalone decode installer is not needed on up to date installs)
Re: can you install a ProRes encoder without FCP?
August 12, 2009 12:00PM
I can export ProRes 422 directly to a Windows PC with the
newest QT and Adobe flash will import the 422 no problem.
Long live ProRes 422!

Andy Mees Wrote:
> >And to make them "Windows Compatible," you'll
> need to install the ProRes DECODER on the windows
> machines. ProRes is not a windows compatible
> format without a decoder.
> FWIW, I think all versions of Quicktime (either
> Mac or PC) now have the ProRes playback as
> standard ... so if you have the latest version of
> Quicktime on your PC then ProRes would indeed be a
> compatible format.
> (I went to install the ProRes decode for windows
> component on an Edius box here a few months back,
> downloaded the decode component but it wouldn't
> install because the machine only had QT6. I
> downloaded and installed QT7 and tried again with
> the ProRes install, at which point it reported
> that the codec was already installed ... pretty
> sure that indicates the standalone decode
> installer is not needed on up to date installs)
Re: can you install a ProRes encoder without FCP?
August 12, 2009 12:08PM

I can export ProRes 422 directly to a Windows PC with the newest QT

Only on a Final Cut system.


and Adobe flash will import the 422 no problem

Only with a version of Quicktime installed that's recent enough to include the appropriate ProRes decoder.

Re: can you install a ProRes encoder without FCP?
August 17, 2011 12:48PM
Re: can you install a ProRes encoder without FCP?
August 17, 2011 01:25PM
That's a decoder only, and already legacy since the recent qt updates contain the decoder. The encoder is licensed to FCP installations and certain softwares and hardware have a License to ship with the ProRes license.
Re: can you install a ProRes encoder without FCP?
August 17, 2011 06:13PM have to install FCP to get the auto-Quicktime Pro Activation option I believe

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: can you install a ProRes encoder without FCP?
March 26, 2013 09:32AM
offcialy, you need FCP to install the prores package. but this is not necessary, you can extract and install the corresponding package without FCP... guess this is not supported by Apple as usual.

you cheapest option is to still use DVCpro50, and the windows software from calibrated to read it on a PC.

on the hardware side you have prores (and dnxhd) direct to disk encoders (aja, blackmagic) or to lan (telestream)

Re: can you install a ProRes encoder without FCP?
March 26, 2013 11:19AM
Jeff Harrell Wrote:
> I can export ProRes 422 directly to a Windows PC
> with the newest QT
> Only on a Final Cut system.
> and Adobe flash will import the 422 no problem
> Only with a version of Quicktime installed that's
> recent enough to include the appropriate ProRes
> decoder.

That's what I meant!
I can export from FCP with ProRes 422 directly to a PC....

Now I had to resurrect my reply I never gave 4 years ago!
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