How can I recreate a new continuous VITC timecode on the line 19 and 21 without recordig the clip to a tape?

Posted by Matteo 
Hi all!

I use Final Cut Pro 6.0 with an AJA Kona LH device.
I drop a clip in the timeline (this clip is either a captured or an imported file).
After editing the clip and removing some parts, I export the final clip creating an IMX
file using Quick Time Conversion with:

Settings - IMX PAL (50Mb/s)
Include - Audio and Video
Markers - None

When verifying the clip with Tektronix Instruments I see that its VITC
timecode is still the one present in the old clip with non-continuous cause
of the cuts.
So, how can I recreate a new continuous VITC timecode on the line 19 and 21
on a clip, without recordig the clip to a tape?

Thank you! smiling smiley
well the whole VITC thing doesn't really apply to file based media Mateo ... only way I can imaging doing this, if you really feel you must have VITC embedded in your clip media, is to lay it off to tape and then reingest it

that said, have you tried using MXF4Mac's MXFExport which is designed for exporting standards compliant D-10/IMX OP1a GC files for server playback? []
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