SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]

Posted by Ben King 
SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
August 31, 2009 11:38AM
Hey guys n gals

Due to the launch of Snow Leopard there will be a number of things that don't work [yet] on the new beast. There will also be things that work much better!

Well this is the thread to post all your findings on until we feel the the new cat is purring away nicely with no nasty scratches!

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Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
August 31, 2009 11:40AM
Firstly all those wishing to use Sony (or JVC) products with SxS technology and an Express34 slot...

Currently Sony are being extremely slack and have not updated the SxS drivers or transfer software for Mac OS XSL (Snow Leopard)


For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : []
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
August 31, 2009 11:44AM
A handy walk through for those wishing to upgrade:


For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : []
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
August 31, 2009 11:58AM
Apple's list of incompatible software. As usual with every major OS release, check for compatibility and driver/firmware upgrades from your 3rd party hardware/software providers.


Apparently, AJA IOHD users will have to wait a bit.
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
September 02, 2009 05:16AM
All great here.

Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
September 02, 2009 04:31PM
A pretty exhaustive list of apps with Leopard compatibility, including older versions that some folks may still be using:

Adobe CS1 and 2 owners: fuggedaboutit

SCQT! Self-contained QuickTime ? pass it on!
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
September 03, 2009 08:21AM
Apparently SONY are pulling their finger out...


For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : []
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
September 22, 2009 04:55AM
Is it compatible with the XD Cam Log and Transfer that the recent FCP upgrade gives you?
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
January 04, 2010 06:28AM
I have the ADSA3GPXI SATAII card for Mac, which I use for my G-RAID 1TB Drive.

I installed Snow Leopard, and the G-RAID drive will not mount.

Any ideas? Is there another driver I can download that will work with Snow Leopard.

If so, where might I find that driver?

Thanks so much for your help.
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
January 04, 2010 09:55PM
I have the ADSA3GPXI SATAII card for Mac, which I use for my G-RAID 1TB Drive.

Did you try the ADS web site for latest drivers?

Michael Horton
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
January 07, 2010 06:49AM
Thanks so much.
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
January 07, 2010 06:01PM
Boots fine. Nothing installed.


- Loren

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Set a motion effect keyframe instantly with Control-K!

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Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
January 07, 2010 06:11PM
We've installed Snow Leopard, FCP 7 and the Kona3 7.1 drivers. All goes swimmingly until I have to digitize from tape (Panasonic DVCProHD deck.) The clips are about 18 frames off (audio leads video, always.)

I've been on the phone with AJA help as well as AppleCare and noone seems to have any ideas. I've trashed preferences, trashed cache files, and we're on our third re-install of the operating system and FCP upgrade. While I was on the line with AJA help I was able to digitize with their VTRXchange tool in-sync so they think it's a FCP problem. Log and Capture is also extremely sluggish to open and there's a 6 or 7 second delay before you can start recording with the Capture-Now button. L&C is basically useless.

Luckily we did this on a separate drive so I've downgraded the drivers and am booting back in 10.4.11 with FCP 6.0.6.

The guy at AJA support said that digitizing audio out of sync over SDI is hard to do. Apparently we have a bang-up, special system sad smiley
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
January 11, 2010 10:16PM
[Luckily we did this on a separate drive so I've downgraded the drivers and am booting back in 10.4.11 with FCP 6.0.6. ]

Exactly what I did, except my regular boot is 10.5.8, which works well with FCP7. But the report is still very useful, thank you!

I wonder if anyone has installed CS4 After Effects under Snow Kitty? Is it properly addressing more than 3.5 GB of RAM and stuff like that on a 64-bit Nehalem 8-Core?

- Loren

Today's FCP keytip:
Set a motion effect keyframe instantly with Control-K!

Your Final Cut Studio KeyGuide? Power Pack.
Now available at KeyGuide Central.
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
January 16, 2010 05:00PM
Does anyone know if there is a bug with the newest version of Final Cut using the newest version of OSX where the FCP default hotkeys are disabled? I have trashed the preferences, I have used a cloned drive of a different system and imported the project into that FCP with no new results, I have tried to create a new keyboard layout and that did nothing. The tool set hot keys, ie. blade, zoom, selector, etc... work fine but when I go to mark in or mark out, or make an edit the hot keys are disabled. If anyone knows of anything about this I would appreciate some input. I'm on a Mac Pro Quad with a Kona 3 using newest versions of both FCP and OSX.
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
January 16, 2010 05:07PM
Is this a standard English language QWERTY keyboard? Is this an English language installation BTW?
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
January 16, 2010 05:29PM
Ruling out the obvious...a new OS would mean new System Preferences for Mouse and Keyboard, Dashboard and Expose, etc. Did you already check and disable those?
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
January 16, 2010 05:37PM
It is an apple final cut keyboard. English standard. I forgot to mention that Spotlight, Expose, Spaces, and Dashboard have all been disabled.
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
January 16, 2010 05:39PM
Logic Final Cut Keyboard.
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
January 16, 2010 05:44PM
What's a Logic Final Cut keyboard? Does it need drivers for 10.6?
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
January 16, 2010 07:49PM
The Logic Keyboard is an apple keyboard with the final cut shortkeys color coded. I don't think it needs drivers. I'm not 100% positive, but I'm more sure that it doesn't need drivers. I've even swapped for a standard apple keyboard and it does the same thing. Nothing, but I know that the key works because I can create a text title and use that key for text, but it doesn't use the short key.
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
January 16, 2010 07:51PM

This is the keyboard being used on the FCP system.
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
January 16, 2010 08:33PM
I've never heard of this happening on a QWERTY keyboard.

"when I go to mark in or mark out, or make an edit the hot keys are disabled."

Can you confirm what keys exactly you're pressing to do these? Do functions like Cmd-S and Cmd-Q work?
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
January 16, 2010 09:43PM
I've used that keyboard. Not my favourite type, but I highly doubt it's the cause of your problems. It's more likely human error. Did you try just restoring Keyboard Layout to default? Remember you have to click the lock button off first.
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
January 17, 2010 04:12PM
maybe you've checked this,
but in System Prefs > Keyboard, you have to tick the "Use all F1, F2 etc keys as standard function keys"

Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
January 17, 2010 09:51PM
All regular keys work, such as apple q, apple s, etc... If I try to mark in using simply the "i" key, it doesn't mark in. I have tried to restore to default, but did not default. I trashed the preferences, but it still did not restore to default. I want to believe it is something in the project because I transfered the project to another FCP system with the same results. Even when I create a new project those keyboard hot keys are disabled. I will try and check the System Prefs > Keyboard and see how that works out. Thank you all for your input and support.
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
January 23, 2010 08:05AM
Hi Jiggamis, I have CS4 AE installed on both my Mac Pro and MacBook Pro with Snow Leopard and no problems. Which is amazing to me that it works, because my printer and scanner no longer work with either computer. Also not happy that they got rid of QuickTime Pro although I've been able to reinstall that.

P.S. if you're a FCP user, you might like my new video called "FCP Muscle Memory" at

Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
February 16, 2010 01:50PM

So you've exported beautiful work from FCP or AE and you load it into Squeeze or Under Leopard, a Flash file from a 36 MB Animation codec comes in at 656K.

If you employ Squeeze with same settings under Snow Leopard, the same Flash file comes in at almost 6 MB.


- Loren

Today's FCP 7 keytip:
Invoke Big Timecode window with Control-T!

Your Final Cut Studio KeyGuide? Power Pack.
Now available at KeyGuide Central.
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
March 05, 2010 12:08PM

I have read this and i am still not sure i understand.

Is Snow Leopard creating problems or not?

I am due to buy a MAc Book Pro with FCP (all new things etc) and i wonder if Snow LEopard is ok with this.
Re: SNOW LEOPARD: Highs, Lows & Bugs [things to know before you upgrade]
May 06, 2010 05:36PM
I'm sure a lot of people already know this, but just a reminder that Dual Adapter's Express 34 card (which was essential for my HVX workflow) does not work with Snow Leopard.


"What do you mean there's no undo?"

Matthew Celia
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