merging two sill shots

Posted by maltess 
merging two sill shots
September 01, 2009 07:06AM
Hi to everyone

I have a still wide shot of some buildings in the sunset. Than I have the same shot later with a darker and more nice color in the sky, but the building are too dark. I have bben said that is posible I can take the dark sky and the buildings with light and pus then toguether in the same shot. What program would I need for that? is this a very complicated thing to do?

Thanks very much for your help

Best regards
Re: merging two sill shots
September 01, 2009 12:41PM
You could stack one on top of the other and try out the composite modes in FCP and see if it works for you.
Re: merging two sill shots
September 01, 2009 12:47PM
Since this is a still image, Photoshop would be the best tool to use to combine the best part of two (nearly) identical images, before bringing it into FCP. Do you have Photoshop?

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