FCS3 to earlier versions
September 22, 2009 05:33AM
This seems like an obvious answer - but maybe there's a better way. Cutting on new FCS3 and have to hand project off to client who has older version --

Assuming the best (and only way) to give them the project is to save out as an XML version 4 file (that seemed to be the latest in the last version of FCP) so they can open and use the project file.

the new FCS3 has an export option for XML v5 (does anyone know what one does differently than the other versions?)

Is there anything that doesn't translate across from the new to the old version in XML?

Thanks Andy
Re: FCS3 to earlier versions
September 22, 2009 11:12AM
>the new FCS3 has an export option for XML v5 (does anyone know what one does differently than the other versions?)

Nope, only that it's newer, and only works with the latest versions of Studio apps.

>Is there anything that doesn't translate across from the new to the old version in XML?

Not that I have noticed. I XML from FCP 7 to FCP 6 three times a week, no issues.


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Re: FCS3 to earlier versions
September 22, 2009 11:52AM
Thanks Shane
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