Posted by Loren Miller 
October 16, 2009 02:19PM
For those of you who are bi-linear (oh yeah, it's all hanging out now) how do you configure for a dual install of FCP and AVID?

Same drive, different user accounts?

Same machine, different startup drives?

Or other?

- Loren

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Invoke your Remove Attributes dialog over any selected clip(s) with
Command-Option-V !

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Re: FCP with AVID
October 16, 2009 02:24PM
When I ran the trial version a few weeks ago (yes, i still try to keep in touch with Avid), I had both versions on the same drive, no different user accounts (i always edit on the admin account).

Re: FCP with AVID
October 16, 2009 02:44PM
I've been doing the same thing ? running the MC 4 trial on my regular system for try-em-out purposes ? but I wouldn't do that on a production system.

I did some freelance engineering work earlier this month at a post house that was converting one of their Avids (version 3.2 I think?) to an Avid-FCP switcheroo, and they opted for dual-boot. One system disk has the recommended versions of the OS and Quicktime for FCP, plus the Kona drivers. The other has the recommended versions of the OS and Quicktime without Kona drivers for MC.

My understanding is that because the Kona drivers aren't installed on the Avid system disk, having the Kona board in the system has no effect. It's just idle hardware sitting there doing nothing. Likewise their Mojo when they're booted into the FCP system disk.

On my laptop, like I said, I've been running MC 4 and FCP 6.0.5 without incident, and I'd probably be okay with that on a pure-offline, no-extra-hardware, software-only system. But once you start putting hardware and device drivers in the mix, I'd recommend keeping the system disks totally separate.

Re: FCP with AVID
October 16, 2009 04:45PM
I have both on my MBP with no issues at all...doesn't matter where you put it just don't try to run both at the same time (there are folks that do this. trust me).

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: FCP with AVID
October 18, 2009 01:40AM
Great feedback, thanks, guys.

Think I'll follow Jeff's dual boot config on my desktop system. (I know I'm a luddite, but I don't enjoy laptop editing as much as many here. Acquired taste, I guess.)

- Loren

Today's FCP keytip:
Invoke your Remove Attributes dialog over any selected clip(s) with
Command-Option-V !

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Re: FCP with AVID
October 18, 2009 09:53AM
I don't enjoy it, either. I'm just ? er ? between suites right now.

Re: FCP with AVID
October 18, 2009 11:46AM
Don't use different accounts with Snow Leopard and FCP. I've heard about some nasty behavior when logging out of an account and logging back in.

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Re: FCP with AVID
October 18, 2009 12:14PM
The bug with user accounts in SL is related specifically to the "Guest Account". Some people have logged into their guest account and when they log back in to their main account, found it reset to default and all their files gone. It's been slow to build as an issue because I don't think this is something people do frequently and the guest account is a newish feature. Apple is apparently aware of the issue and the latest OS developer build had a fix for it but it's not a public release.
If you don't need a guest account you can disable that feature to avoid this possibility. There has been no reported issue that I've heard of while using two admin accounts.
Still, be careful out there.

Sleeplings, AWAKE!
Re: FCP with AVID
October 18, 2009 09:48PM
Avid Media Composer requires very specific OS and QT versions, for this I have FCP and Avid separate.

On my MBP, I have my internal drive partitioned into two parts, one with the OS and QT updated to the specifics Avid requires, then the Avid software. And another with Leopard upgraded fully, QT upgraded fully, and FCP 7.

On my home Tower I have the same thing, one physical drive partitioned into two, with separate OS and NLE installs.

On my work system, I have two separate drives. And I have a Kona 3 in that, and the Avid Adrenaline box connected as well. I had an issue with Deck Control, but I solved that by installing the Kona drivers on the Avid drive, and using the KONA for deck control within the Avid software.

I blogged about this: [lfhd.net]


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Re: FCP with AVID
October 19, 2009 06:41PM
[Don't use different accounts with Snow Leopard and FCP.]

At the moment my Snow Leopard install is a curiosity only, Not even Avid MC 4.0 supports it- they recommend 5.7 or 5.8.

[On my home Tower I have the same thing, one physical drive partitioned into two, with separate OS and NLE installs. ]

Noted! Thanks, Shane, for the link.

- Loren

Today's FCP keytip:
Invoke your Remove Attributes dialog over any selected clip(s) with
Command-Option-V !

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