Editing Canon 5D - No options for playback settings

Posted by Andrew Gregg 
Editing Canon 5D - No options for playback settings
December 10, 2009 01:53PM
Hi guys,

I'm editing a project that was shot using a canon 5D. Playback is slow, so I wanted to lower the playback settings for editing, but when I go into the RT menu in the timeline, these options are all gone. Instead, I only see "play base layer only." There are no options for video quality or frame rate. Does anyone know why this is and how I can get around it?

Re: Editing Canon 5D - No options for playback settings
December 10, 2009 01:56PM
That's because you're importing the H.264 files into FCP. FCP doesn't like H.264. You need to convert it to an editing friendly codec like ProRes before you start editing.

Re: Editing Canon 5D - No options for playback settings
December 11, 2009 12:19AM
Thanks for the tip. How would I go about doing this?
Re: Editing Canon 5D - No options for playback settings
December 11, 2009 04:01AM
Re: Editing Canon 5D - No options for playback settings
December 11, 2009 05:56AM
Use mpeg streamclip its free it will do batch as well and much faster than Compressor
Re: Editing Canon 5D - No options for playback settings
December 13, 2009 01:11AM
Ok. Thanks for the response, but I think I've got myself in a bit of a jam here. I did a rough edit and synched sound between 2 cameras all using the h.264 codec. Is there any way to convert the original files and then somehow link the converted files back to the sequence and then change the settings of the sequence to the converted format so I don't have to go and do all of that work again?

Thanks for any suggestions.
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