Lost project access

Posted by Flipper7 
Lost project access
December 12, 2009 07:49PM
I have FCP 5.1 and haven't installed the new FCS because I was in the middle of a project. My OS is 10.5.8. My wife has a new MBP with no FCP but a newer OS. I was trying to set up file sharing and after my trying to rectify the "You do not have permissions to..." relative to the Drop Boxes for a couple of hours, she tried and changed the name of my MBP to differentiate between the two MBPs. She got file sharing working but today, when I tried to open my FCP project files, they won't open and Motion won't open most of the window panes. My MBP can see external HD media files but not open the Project Files on the HD that use the media files and the only thing that's changed is the name of my computer as it appears in the Finder window. Can changing the name of the computer make FCP not see files and what can I do to fix it? I don't have the original name of my computer. It was alpha-numeric.
Re: Lost project access
December 13, 2009 08:25PM
Can changing the name of the computer make FCP not see files...

Well it shouldn't prevent files from being "seen", although you may have to tell it where to look for them as obviously the file path has now changed

... and after my trying to rectify the "You do not have permissions to..." relative to the Drop Boxes for a couple of hours, she tried and ...

Playing with permissions, on the other hand, can certainly prevent files from being seen ... my guess is that this is most likely the cause of your current predicament
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