Studio Monitors for FCP

Posted by mcstrangelove 
Studio Monitors for FCP
January 10, 2010 03:05PM
Hi folks,

I'm looking to purchase new powered studio monitors for use with FCP. I'm no audio engineer and I won't be conducting any final mixes in my modest home office. But I'd like something that gives me a proper playback for audio mixing as good as I'm gonna get in less-than-perfect audio environment.

I'm trying to stay around $200 per speaker (or less). Just curious as to what you might be using in your home studios.

Thanks for any suggestions!
Re: Studio Monitors for FCP
January 10, 2010 05:39PM
I use M Audio BX5A and they are okay. When I was looking I felt they were the cleanest in the the mids to lower end range. I do feel they can get quite harsh though especially at high audio levels on the high end of the spectrum. Other thing I've noticed is they sometimes are a bit too directional if I sit a bit closer. Good speakers in that price range though.
Re: Studio Monitors for FCP
January 13, 2010 08:05AM
To take the price-point even LOWER...

I was on a harsh budget a while back and needed new speakers for a big project - I bought a pair of M-Audio Studiophile Av 40's - thinking I would upgrade six weeks later when I got paid...

I still have them. Very clean. Even though I have the money, I see no reason to upgrade at this point.
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