ajakona, Print xdcam 720p to hdcam tape issue?

Posted by Emmetreddy 
ajakona, Print xdcam 720p to hdcam tape issue?
January 13, 2010 11:31AM
Hi all i have a xdcam 720p timeline and im trying to print timeline to a HDcam tape
my seq settings are set to aja kona lh - 720p 50 apple pro res 422 but the picture going to the deck is all wonky i have my kona settings output sdi set to sdi output 720p50 going to hd input on the deck, but i cant get it to work.
To simplify i want to crash print a 720p timeline to a hd cam tape im using kona Lhe control panel?

ANY advide? thanks Emmet
Re: ajakona, Print xdcam 720p to hdcam tape issue?
January 13, 2010 12:48PM
What model is the HDCam deck? Not all Sony decks will record 720p material. You may have to convert to 1080 to make the recording. Some Kona cards will allow that, some not. So I guess he second question is what is the model of Kona card you are using.

Worst case you may have to use Compressor to transcode your show to 1080 and then output that.

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