Pro Res 444 export help

Posted by dasbeouf 
Pro Res 444 export help
February 16, 2010 04:35PM

I am having issues exporting ProRes 444 on both my computers. I can export Pro Res 444 from Motion no problem but whenever I try it from FCP, it has the lame error message.

"Codec not found. You may be using a compression type without the corresponding hardware card."

What's the dilly? I obviously have the capability to export since it works in motion but not sure why she won't go.

Please help

3.2 GHz Octo core

3.06 Intel
FCP 7.0
Re: Pro Res 444 export help
February 18, 2010 02:25AM
What's your source file?
Re: Pro Res 444 export help
February 20, 2010 11:54AM
It happens with all of the codecs I work with. Apple AVCIntra, DVCProHD. Same codecs as source files in Motion works just fine.
Re: Pro Res 444 export help
February 20, 2010 01:01PM
Weird. Could be a permissions issue. Are you logged in as the system admin? Do you have multiple versions of Quicktime on your machine (aside from QTX and QT7)? Try repairing disk permissions and trashing FCP preferences.
Re: Pro Res 444 export help
February 20, 2010 01:19PM
Two different computers, both giving the same error, and it's not limited to one QuickTime component. This is a media problem, I'd be willing to guarantee it. By far the most common culprit is a still in the wrong color space. Like a print person sent you a CMYK logo or something. That's my bet.

Re: Pro Res 444 export help
February 20, 2010 01:39PM
But the problem is that it is every sequence. And I am uber diligent about RGB color space in all of my FCP and Motion files. PSDs and tiffs don't make it in unless they are converted.
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