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OT: Another "Minority Report" interface...Posted by Ben King
Man how fit would we all be if we used and cut on these type of interfaces! For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : [www.lafcpug.org]
"OW! My back is killing me!"
Kidding aside, Jeff Han's demo at TED in 2006 wasn't very much more impressive than this, and four years later the iPhone and iPad are commonplace. It's possible something practical might come out of this research ? but ? I can't really imagine what it might be.
Imagine...going to the gym to train for your edit sessions?!?! In a world of ever-increasing green-ism and fitness consciousness, hell yes I can definitely imagine it...and believe it will happen...and LOOK FORWARD TO IT! I can absolutely visualize my edit suite...with big comfy couches in the back of the suite on platforms so the client LOOKS DOWN on me while I work the magic. Like I said in the last "Minority Report Editing System Thread"...I love this idea and look forward to it coming. Clients will choose editors with this system just to be able to say they used it in their project and pad their egos.
I love big change and progression in our industry. It fuels creativity and it weeds out the curmudgeons and dead wood that have been "just getting by" or "doing just enough" by providing sub-standard product just to get paid and also weeds out those that refuse to get their fat butts out of their chairs and learn something new. I say BRING IT ON!! When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.
Yea but when really hard body female editors in bikini's start using this system and all the clients are gazing as they edit you might not have a chance Joey
------------------------ Dean "When I see you floating down the gutter I'll give you a bottle of wine." Captain Beefheart, Trout Mask Replica.
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