Odd FCP Crash 7.0.1
March 03, 2010 01:41PM
Look at this crash warning - has anyone gotten this? I didn't even know I had Google video/talk installed unless it's automaticly put there if you install the Chrome browser -- and not sure how to get rid of it

Picture of Crash warning

PS - how do you insert pictures in these posts? I tried the insert image url but all I get is this below: I have the link above to the photobucket shot of the warning - Thanks Andy

Re: Odd FCP Crash 7.0.1
March 03, 2010 02:29PM
Something to do with Google video chat or something like that. You can do a spotlight search for it and trash it I imagine.

Michael Horton
Re: Odd FCP Crash 7.0.1
March 03, 2010 02:29PM
I don't know if Google's browser installs it, but at least at some time in the past Google was giving out software components via download to enable video chat through Gmail. It was a mess, including a separate background application, a Safari plug-in and two Quicktime components. Obviously you've still got at least one of the Quicktime components installed.

Look for these files on your system:

/Library/Application Support/Google/GoogleTalkPlugin.app
/Library/QuickTime/Google Camera Adapter 0.component
/Library/QuickTime/Google Camera Adapter 1.component
/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/googletalkbrowserplugin.plugin
~/Library/Application Support/Google/GoogleTalkPlugin.app
~/Library/QuickTime/Google Camera Adapter 0.component
~/Library/QuickTime/Google Camera Adapter 1.component
~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/googletalkbrowserplugin.plugin

If you want to get rid of this junk, you can try removing them all, then rebooting. I can't promise that'll work, though, because I'm not positive this list is complete.

Take off, and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. winking smiley

Re: Odd FCP Crash 7.0.1
March 04, 2010 01:03PM
Thanks guys....
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