EOS MOVIE Plugin-E1 Released

Posted by Eddie Torre 
EOS MOVIE Plugin-E1 Released
March 19, 2010 11:52PM
Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but I did a search and didn't see anything (note: this is different than the firmware release).

EOS MOVIE Plugin-E1 for Final Cut Pro

Re: EOS MOVIE Plugin-E1 Released
March 20, 2010 12:53AM
Always good to keep bumping this kind info to the top of the forum Eddie, I reckon. Thanks.

Re: EOS MOVIE Plugin-E1 Released
March 20, 2010 05:43PM
Has anyone actually tried to use it with fcp successfully?

I installed the plugin and tried to use log and transfer but it apparently can't see the files that I had down loaded.

Then, of course, I read the pdf on the plugin! Gotta use the pull down and select the plugin. Did that but still no options to actually "see" the cf card to select the files.

The pdf also says it has to connect directly with the camera and won't recognize any downloaded files with the eos utility. Maybe its my mac (10.6.2) but I've never been able to see the mounted internal cf card on my desktop.

Anyone else having this experience? If not what am I doing wrong? Log and transfer works fine with AVCHD files.

MacPro Dual-Core Intel Xeon Mac OS X (10.6.2)
Re: EOS MOVIE Plugin-E1 Released
March 20, 2010 05:46PM

The pdf also says it has to connect directly with the camera and won't recognize any downloaded files with the eos utility.

Almost. What the plugin needs, like all L&T functions, is the complete folder structure that's present on the card, the "digital mag," as it were. This can be a card itself, or a disk image of a card, or a folder on a hard drive with the whole structure in it.


Maybe its my mac (10.6.2) but I've never been able to see the mounted internal cf card on my desktop.

Can't help you there, I'm afraid. Take a look at this, though:


Re: EOS MOVIE Plugin-E1 Released
March 20, 2010 07:03PM
Thanks Jeff,
I wish I could figure out why the cf card won't appear on my desktop using the usb 2 cable. Every other sd card does but it only seems to be the cf card on the 7d.
Re: EOS MOVIE Plugin-E1 Released
March 20, 2010 07:53PM
I just wanted to add that with the help of the ProVideo Coalition blog and a little experimenting I've solved my problem. Apparently, Snow Leopard doesn't naively "see" the cf card and I tried a firewire reader and the advise in the bolg artilce and it now works. Thanks again.
Re: EOS MOVIE Plugin-E1 Released
March 24, 2010 07:29AM
Yeah I'm using a firewire 800 CF card reader the plugin works great and is much faster converting to ProRes than anything else.

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