Exporting XML template for SubBits

Posted by Andy Wills 
Exporting XML template for SubBits
March 21, 2010 07:14AM

I exported an XML text template for SubBits from FCP7 and it worked fine. I imported the XML that came back from the subtitle guy into FCP, and the timing was all perfect.

However, I saw that I needed to change the font.

I changed the font and some of the controls like aspect, size, leading, tracking, origin, etc. (All in the controls tab of the "edit 'B subtitle" text generator, not any other tabs.)

Then I exported a new XML template, and sent it off to the subtitler, but the XML that came back would not import to Final Cut Pro 7.

I got this message: "XML translation was aborted due to a critical error"

I tried to open the XML as a text file and it said:

"This page contains the following errors:

error on line 1920 at column 1: expected '>'
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error."

I've tried exporting the new template many times, always using the Apple XML interchange format, version 1, but the XMLs that come back from the subtitler cannot be imported into Final Cut.

The original font can't be used because it does not display accents above letters correctly for this foreign language production.

(I just need to change from Helvetica CY to standard Helvetica, or Arial)

I would be very very grateful indeed if anyone could tell me where I've gone wrong, or suggest an alternative workflow.

Thanks in advance,

Andy Wills
Re: Exporting XML template for SubBits
March 22, 2010 07:42AM
Best is to contact Bouke (the author of Subbits).


error on line 1920 at column 1: expected '>'
means there is a missing closing bracket.
You may post an XML of your template and I'll have a look.


Some workflow tools for FCP [www.spherico.com]
TitleExchange -- juggle titles within FCS, FCPX and many other apps.
Re: Exporting XML template for SubBits
March 22, 2010 04:10PM
Hi Andreas,

Thanks for your help. Do you know how I can contact Bouke?

here is the XML of my template

100321 new2 sub 240 TRUE 24 TRUE 24 01:00:00:00 86400 source NDF -1 -1 720 480 TRUE NTSC-601 none TRUE 24 24 Apple DV - NTSC Final Cut Pro Apple Inc. 7.0 Apple DV - NTSC DV - NTSC dvc appl 1023 0 0 0 Final Cut Pro Apple Inc. 7.0 TRUE FALSE YUV8BPP edit 'B subtitle 2880 TRUE 24 1320 1560 0 240 TRUE TRUE black edit 'B subtitle edit 'B subtitle Text generator video part1 Text Settings str Text yxvxycvčrřt?z?uáitziktzktzkttlllllllll
askdjbafĚÍÁ?Č?Ř?Zzzqtlllllllllllllll fontname Font Arial fontstyle Style 1 4 Plain 1 Bold 2 Italic 3 Bold/Italic 4 1 fontalign Alignment 1 3 Left 1 Center 2 Right 3 1 fontsize Size 20 80 31 origin Origin -0.398611 0.291667 aspect Aspect 0 2 1.3 textopacity Text Opacity 0 100 100 textcolor Text Color 255 255 255 255 fonttrack Tracking 0 10 4 leading Leading -40 40 0 autokern Auto Kerning TRUE part2 Outline Settings linewidth Width 0 50 8 linesoft Soft 0 100 38 linecolor Color 255 0 0 0 part3 Shadow Settings shadowoffsetx Offset X -20 20 0 shadowoffsety Offset y -20 20 0 shadowopacity Opacity 0 100 0 shadowsoft Softness 0 100 2 shadowcolor Color 255 0 0 0 video TRUE FALSE 16 48000 1 2 0 1 2 -1 -1 TRUE FALSE 1 TRUE FALSE 2 TRUE FALSE 1 TRUE FALSE 2

The xml that came back from the subtitle guy when he used this template couldn't be imported into FCP, and had the error I mentioned before.

Here is the original template I made before, which generated importable results from the subtitle guy, but just had the wrong font:

aussig template for lubor 240 TRUE 24 TRUE 24 01:00:00:00 86400 source NDF -1 -1 720 480 TRUE NTSC-601 none TRUE 24 24 Apple DV - NTSC Final Cut Pro Apple Inc. 7.0 Apple DV - NTSC DV - NTSC dvc appl 1023 0 0 0 Final Cut Pro Apple Inc. 7.0 TRUE FALSE YUV8BPP edit 'B subtitle 2880 TRUE 24 1320 1560 0 240 TRUE TRUE black edit 'B subtitle1 FALSE edit 'B subtitle edit 'B subtitle Text generator video part1 Text Settings str Text template for lubor aussiggggggggggggggg
lubor template second linelllllllllllllllllllllllllllll fontname Font Helvetica CY fontstyle Style 1 4 Plain 1 Bold 2 Italic 3 Bold/Italic 4 1 fontalign Alignment 1 3 Left 1 Center 2 Right 3 1 fontsize Size 20 80 31 origin Origin -0.395833 0.3125 aspect Aspect 0 2 1.4 textopacity Text Opacity 0 100 100 textcolor Text Color 255 255 255 255 fonttrack Tracking 0 10 3 leading Leading -40 40 10 autokern Auto Kerning TRUE part2 Outline Settings linewidth Width 0 50 8 linesoft Soft 0 100 38 linecolor Color 255 0 0 0 part3 Shadow Settings shadowoffsetx Offset X -20 20 1 shadowoffsety Offset y -20 20 2 shadowopacity Opacity 0 100 0 shadowsoft Softness 0 100 2 shadowcolor Color 255 0 0 0 video TRUE FALSE 16 48000 1 2 0 1 2 -1 -1 TRUE FALSE 1 TRUE FALSE 2 TRUE FALSE 1 TRUE FALSE 2 FALSE

Thanks a lot for having a look at them.

Re: Exporting XML template for SubBits
March 22, 2010 06:42PM

He does come onto the forum quite often, but just in case he missed this post, drop him a mail.

Re: Exporting XML template for SubBits
March 22, 2010 07:05PM

Those things you posted aren't XML.
Anyway, Gerard was faster than me and you now got Bouke's email address.

Good luck with your project and Bouke will solve that problem.


Some workflow tools for FCP [www.spherico.com]
TitleExchange -- juggle titles within FCS, FCPX and many other apps.
Re: Exporting XML template for SubBits
March 23, 2010 05:53AM
And it is fixed...

(I've used a regular expression to switch CR and LF. Somehow the Unicode in the text messed up the character count, so the last part of the template XML was missing...)

Re: Exporting XML template for SubBits
April 01, 2010 05:05PM
Thanks for fixing this.

It's great to be able to get in touch with you guys.

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