thank you

Posted by gawelte 
thank you
March 23, 2010 07:18PM
thank you
Re: Importing bitmaps into Final Cut Express
March 23, 2010 07:22PM
Going from computer graphics to television is inherently problematic because of aspect ratio differences at the pixel level. Television "pixels" (to the extent that we can call them that) are not square.

I think your best option is going to be to work in a high-definition, 1080-line format until you're completely and utterly finished, then take your finished film and scale the whole thing down to SD resolution. I think that'll give you better luck than trying to work at SD resolution from the start.

Re: Importing bitmaps into Final Cut Express
March 23, 2010 07:45PM
Also, thin lines with high contrast (ie black on white) are always a difficult proposition in DV. If you work in a better quality codec, you'll yield better results, but you're fighting a bit of an uphill battle with any drawings with lines less than about 3 pixels wide.

You could try less detail, less contrast (dark grey on off white) and thicker lines, but that sounds like an awful lot of work on 1500 CAD drawings, really..

I have never suggested this before, but, perhaps this would be better done in Keynote or PowerPoint and run off a computer? Where and how will you be presenting this?

Re: Importing bitmaps into Final Cut Express
March 24, 2010 08:31AM
Thank you. In response, I modified my initial post.

Thanks again.
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