No Chong!

Posted by Kozikowski 
No Chong!
April 01, 2010 12:34AM
My Mini is missing the opening chime. I know the machine chimes when it gets finished with its system scan, but don't know much more about it than that and Google isn't much help.

The machine starts and seems to run perfectly in every way. I'm clear that the chime comes out of the Mini's internal speaker and not the sound system. Other sound services seem to work perfectly.

Is there a log that lists the services that failed and which ones are important enough to kill the chong? Usually, when the chong goes away, it takes the video or something really important with it.

Re: No Chong!
April 01, 2010 01:31AM
OS X stores different volume levels for the internal and external speakers. If you have the internal speaker muted then you won't hear the chime. To unmute it, unplug your speakers, press the mute button and plug them back in again.

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Re: No Chong!
April 01, 2010 01:00PM
<<<To unmute it, unplug your speakers, press the mute button and plug them back in again.>>>

Wouldn't I want the un-mute buttons F11 or F12?

If the settings are burned into OS-X, then if I boot from an external drive (I run a development system), then the chong should come back? I'm not next to the machine.

Re: No Chong!
April 01, 2010 01:02PM
Kozikowski Wrote:
> Wouldn't I want the un-mute buttons F11 or F12?

You'd only have to do it once.

Kozikowski Wrote:
> If the settings are burned into OS-X, then if I
> boot from an external drive (I run a development
> system), then the chong should come back? I'm not
> next to the machine.

It's actually set in the PRAM, so you could also get it back by restarting and holding down Cmd+Option+P+R.


My software:
Pro Maintenance Tools - Tools to keep Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Pro X, Avid Media Composer and Adobe Premiere Pro running smoothly and fix problems when they arise
Pro Media Tools - Edit QuickTime chapters and metadata, detect gamma shifts, edit markers, watch renders and more
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Re: No Chong!
April 02, 2010 12:36AM
It came back with the trick of pulling the external sound system. Boop, boop, boop up and down a couple of times, plug the sound system back in and we're done.

Re: No Chong!
April 02, 2010 04:05PM
Kozikowski Wrote:

> Is there a log that lists the services that failed
> and which ones are important enough to kill the
> chong?

Just don't kill the Cheech

"Never underestimate a kick to the nuts"
Bas Rutten
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