Motion Blur plug in?

Posted by harry323 
Motion Blur plug in?
April 03, 2010 02:11PM
Dear Happy Editors,

The Foundry Furnace tool set has a plug in for creating motion blur for stop motion animation. (They also have an absolutely stupendous looking slow motion plugin.)

It costs $500.

And, yes, I do know that it was recently on sale for $250.

But I can't pay either amount for motion blur since this is for part of a tiny little film I am doing myself.

But does anyone know of another way of doing motion blur as good as they have it in their little demo on their showreel? Motion? Another set of plugins? Maybe something I already have? I have Noise Industries plugins and some older stuff from Digital Anarchy before they sold off their FCP plugins line of product.

Here's the link:[]

I guess that I can always go to a friendly effects house and beg for computer time.

Happy Easter etc.

Re: Motion Blur plug in?
April 03, 2010 02:17PM
I bought a copy of the Furnace Core when it went on offer last black friday. The motion blur is absolutely mind blowing. The only downside with the Furnace is that this thing eats processor power for a living (I guess it has to), but for what it does, it's really amazing. I'm still not sure if the denoiser is better than the one from Neat Video (I think Adobe may have licensed the entire furnace set of plugins from The Foundry to bundle it with AE, as Time Warp is basically Kronos).
Re: Motion Blur plug in?
April 03, 2010 02:24PM
Yes, strypes. You own this glorious thing. I don't. Is there anything approaching an alternative to their motion blur?

Your grovelling servant and fervent disciple.

Re: Motion Blur plug in?
April 03, 2010 02:39PM
Harry, I both like and respect you. Seriously. I'm being totally sincere.

But complaining about the pricing of The Foundry's stuff is the one thing I won't cut you any slack on. Why? Because you can rent their tools. For every product they sell ? as far as I know, anyway ? you can buy a temporary license for just the duration of your project.

I just checked the pricing for FurnaceCore for Final Cut Pro. Know how much it costs? Four dollars and seventeen cents a day.

I paid more than that for my latte this morning.

Send 'em a hundred bucks already. You'll have 24 days to do whatever you need with the entire FurnaceCore package.

Or hell, just find a friend who already has it, and work out a favor-trade to get your shots rendered for free or something. Whatever. But seriously, man, when the best tool in the world is available to you for only a trivial cost or a minor amount of effort, don't nickel-and-dime yourself into a compromise that will leave you unhappy.

Or just call up Phil Tippett and see if he's still got any go motion rigs lying around.

Re: Motion Blur plug in?
April 03, 2010 03:40PM
Well, they do have a 2 week trial, so you could really check it out, Harry.
Re: Motion Blur plug in?
April 03, 2010 07:51PM
Hail, Jeff.

Thanks for the tip about the rental thing, which I didn't know. That's a fantastic deal and I'll take advantage of it when the moment comes.

And, by the way, I truly wasn't complaining about the price. I did say that it was too expensive for me to buy for a tiny little personal project.

All the best, and thanks again for the info about renting.

Your acolyte,

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