30p in 23.98 timeline

Posted by harry323 
30p in 23.98 timeline
April 09, 2010 01:53PM
Good morning, Happy Editors.

I am working in a 23.98 Pro Res HQ timeline.

I want to import some footage shot at 30p. Of course, when I dump it into the 23.98 timeline, FCP immediately converts it to 23.98 by knocking out frames.

How can I force FCP to play this material at 30p - thereby giving a slight slow motion?

I imagine that I have to prepare the 30p footage in some way to fool FCP, but how, he cried?

And, by the way, I have fumbled around in the FCP manual to find this, to no avail. I find it an extremely difficult document to navigate.

Many thanks,


Re: 30p in 23.98 timeline
April 09, 2010 02:24PM
>How can I force FCP to play this material at 30p - thereby giving a slight slow motion?

Duplicate your clip in the finder, and open the clip in Cinema Tools. Then select conform, and select 23.98fps.

Re: 30p in 23.98 timeline
April 09, 2010 02:29PM

Good morning, Happy Editors.

Lmao...that is awesome. Sorry harry.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: 30p in 23.98 timeline
April 09, 2010 02:50PM
Thanks very much for the succinct reply.


Re: 30p in 23.98 timeline
April 09, 2010 02:58PM
And, Joey, I'm so pathetically out of touch that I had to Google "LMOA."

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