Getting footage off cable DVR

Posted by CaseyPetersen 
Getting footage off cable DVR
April 16, 2010 09:16AM
There was a TV broadcast that I recorded on my DVR that I would like to use in a production (don't worry, we have permission). I was wondering if anyone knows a way I could get that into FCP in HD. If we can't, that's okay, but if we can, then that would be nicer. We're on a bit of a time crunch and this is a last minute there's no time to contact the network.

Re: Getting footage off cable DVR
April 16, 2010 10:55AM
While there may be some way to do this as data, don't forget the old school base band approach. DVR Video and Audio Out to Capture Card AV in.

Re: Getting footage off cable DVR
April 16, 2010 11:15AM
Times like these I wish I had a capture card! I've just been using my built-in firewire port.
Re: Getting footage off cable DVR
April 16, 2010 01:05PM
If you have a deck, you can use it the same way just change your input, and do a capture now hit play and viola. Not the prettiest, but works in a pinch.
Re: Getting footage off cable DVR
April 16, 2010 01:09PM
Trouble is, the only HD input I have on either a deck or my Mac is firewire. Unless there's some cable to convert an HDMI or component signal to firewire. There's HDMI and component outputs on the DVR, but I only have a firewire input.
Re: Getting footage off cable DVR
April 16, 2010 02:01PM
Oh I thought you might have a stand alone deck that would accept a component signal!
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