Dual G5 2.3 vs MBP 2.53 (Late 2008)
April 21, 2010 11:22PM
Sorry, I believe I know the answer...

..but I own a Dual G5 2.3 with 4.5 gigs of Ram and will soon be gifted a MBP 2.53 (MacBookPro5,1) with 4 gigs of Ram. Which would be better for FCP (currently on v.5 probably going up to 7). I can put more ram in the Dual G5, but with an eSata Expresscard for the scratch disk, I imagine everything would be a bit faster with the MBP. Any reason to go with the Dual G5 instead for FCP?

Re: Dual G5 2.3 vs MBP 2.53 (Late 2008)
April 22, 2010 02:21AM
The MacBook Pro would definitely be faster. The only reasons to consider the G5 are practical ones - it has more ports and more options for expansion and in my opinion it's more comfortable editing on a desktop machine than hunching over a laptop.

But if none of these are issues for you, the MacBook Pro is a good bet.

My software:
Pro Maintenance Tools - Tools to keep Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Pro X, Avid Media Composer and Adobe Premiere Pro running smoothly and fix problems when they arise
Pro Media Tools - Edit QuickTime chapters and metadata, detect gamma shifts, edit markers, watch renders and more
More tools...
Re: Dual G5 2.3 vs MBP 2.53 (Late 2008)
April 22, 2010 05:41AM
Final Cut Pro 7 is Intel-only.

Re: Dual G5 2.3 vs MBP 2.53 (Late 2008)
April 22, 2010 12:19PM
Jeff and Jon, thanks for the replies. By the way I failed to mention that my primary use of FCP is to put together instructional video for my websites that I hope will ultimately end up on DVD and/or Blu-Ray.

I was aware that FCP 7 wouldn't work on the G5. If I ended up sticking with the G5, I would pick up a used copy of FCP 6 instead. But, I can't really find any advantages to continue using the G5 for Final Cut especially since I recently made the change from shooting with my old Canon GL1 to shooting with the Canon Vixia HF S100 so I can make the move from SD to HD. Because of the switch to HD (shooting in 1920x1080 60i), I want to move from the realm of FCP 5 to take advantage of the Apple ProRes codec for editing.

Unless someone else happens to chime in with overwhelming reasons to use the Dual G5, I'll start the planning and prep work (buying more stuff) to begin working with the MBP.

Thanks again,

P.S. I hate to part with my old buddy, the Dual, but I will pass him down the family food chain, so it will continue to have life.
Re: Dual G5 2.3 vs MBP 2.53 (Late 2008)
April 22, 2010 04:52PM
Dgage, I use my MBP w/2.5ghz. Intel Core 2 duo, 4gigs ram, daily to edit HD Pro Res 422 or DVCProHD. I have to say I love it!. I have very little problems. The only issue is the occasional out of memory flag when I am doing way too much rendering and not closing other sequences on the timeline.

I would suggest using a very nice second monitor because the lack of "real estate" on the 15" monitor becomes a bit claustrophobic.

Being portable is a godsend.
Re: Dual G5 2.3 vs MBP 2.53 (Late 2008)
April 22, 2010 08:10PM

That's great to hear! What flavor of Apple ProRes are you using? Based on the research I've done, even with the expanded options in FCP 7, I was planning on using the basic ProRes 422. What additional hardware are you using in your setup? Do you have a link to one of your former post with the list?

By the way, I'm not sure how many of the folks that post here actually live in the Los Angeles area, but I live in Topanga.

Dave Gage
Re: Dual G5 2.3 vs MBP 2.53 (Late 2008)
April 22, 2010 11:32PM
Dave, I am not far from where you are. I am in Westlake Village.

Anyway, I use Pro Res 422 mostly. I cut lots of HDV and cut on a Pro Res timeline. Considering what it looks like before I edit it and when it airs on the network I do the series for it is more than suitable.

As far as hardware, I've got 3 G Tech, G Raid 2tb drives for editing and a few 1-2Tb Costco specials for back up of the media in case of a problem. A Matrox MXO2 mini going to a Sony 46"Bravia. A Dell 2407 Monitor (i think) via DVI.

I do way too much editing at my kitchen table at home with my drive connected to FW800. It gives me a chance to spend time with the family rather than sitting in a quiet editing bay.
Re: Dual G5 2.3 vs MBP 2.53 (Late 2008)
April 23, 2010 02:58PM

(We get out to the Lindero Costco every 2 weeks or so and occasionally I hit golf balls over at the nearby driving range.)

Is this essentially the G-Raid you own-
I'm guessing you are using an eSata Expresscard to connect. Are you using Raid 0, 1, or 5?

I'm going to start with a simple 500 GB drive connected to the eSata Expresscard in an eSata hard drive dock to get started and then at some point I'll pick up a Raid setup for the Capture/Scratch. I was originally looking at the Raid enclosures at OWC, but I've since seen many posts where working FCP users recommend the G-Raids.

The A Matrox MXO2 mini is overkill for me at this point, but I do have a mini adapter to connect with my 22" Samsung monitor when I fatigue from staring at the 15" screen.

It sounds like the FW800, though not as fast as your raid setup, is workable. That's good to know.

Thanks again,
Re: Dual G5 2.3 vs MBP 2.53 (Late 2008)
April 26, 2010 12:20AM
Sounds like you already are heading in the right direction, but just wanted to point out that I believe the Canon Vixia HS S100 shoots in AVC, which can only be injested on an Intel Mac. So moving to HD means moving to the MacBook Pro.

I have the same laptop you are talking about and I love it. I use a Lacie MiniBig Disk FW800 and edit on the go (Bus powered yeaaaah!)
Re: Dual G5 2.3 vs MBP 2.53 (Late 2008)
April 26, 2010 12:45AM
> I believe the Canon Vixia HS S100 shoots in AVC, which can only be ingested on an Intel Mac.

Not true. I'm using a Dual PowerPC G5 at home, and I can import. Not through FCP, but through Voltaic. But it's sloooow.

Getting a newer system is always desireable if you can afford it.

Re: Dual G5 2.3 vs MBP 2.53 (Late 2008)
April 26, 2010 01:54AM
ClipWrap doesn't run on ppc?

""" What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have."

> > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992
Re: Dual G5 2.3 vs MBP 2.53 (Late 2008)
April 26, 2010 12:39PM
I stand corrected!
Re: Dual G5 2.3 vs MBP 2.53 (Late 2008)
April 30, 2010 10:30PM
Hi Barry, you stated "I cut lots of HDV and cut on a Pro Res timeline" Does this mean you edit HDV native into a ProRes timeline, like some people suggest, or you are capturing ProRes? So many opinions flying around on this. Cheers, Howard
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