converting an .m2ts file to a usable FCP format

Posted by PhillyFilmmaker 
converting an .m2ts file to a usable FCP format
April 27, 2010 09:47AM
i received a bunch of video files in Sony's .m2ts format. I can't edit this and need to convert to something I can use in FCP. Can anyone help or suggest something I can do to convert this?

Re: converting an .m2ts file to a usable FCP format
April 27, 2010 09:49AM
This topic has been covered many times recently. Strangely enough, searching the forum for the term "MTS" or ".MTS" yields nothing. Try this:

Re: converting an .m2ts file to a usable FCP format
April 27, 2010 10:12AM
Thanks DMok!

I'm trying to convert it through After Effects. Strange thing. Toward the end of he first clip it jumps back and forth for about a second and a half before it ends.
Re: converting an .m2ts file to a usable FCP format
April 27, 2010 10:19AM
If you have a newer-model Mac Pro, FCP's Log and Transfer should convert those very quickly. No need to go through After Effects.
Anonymous User
Re: converting an .m2ts file to a usable FCP format
April 29, 2010 04:03AM
I have a JVC Everio HD300 (AVCHD) camcorder,i am annoyed with the MTS files, for they counldn't be edit on FCP but now i found out a fastest and easiest way to solve it-just use a professional HD Video converter which can convert MTS/TOD/MOD to wmv, mov, mp4, avi, etc. without any problem.The software seems to do a decent job. I've had good results converting the .mts files to .mov, with the settings h.264, 1200, 1280*720, 25fps, aac. Comparing with other converters, I prefer Pavtube one because of its fast conversion speed and its pretty good output video and audio whcih satisfy me.

How to convert MTS to MOV for editing on FCP
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