Compression and Toast

Posted by michael rouse 
Compression and Toast
June 26, 2010 11:03AM

Two questions:

Hello..I have 18 uncompressed QT files (episodes) (standard def) each around 7 minutes (around 10G) that I wish to send to a distributer. I have used Toast (10.0.6) to compress these files on to 18 DVD's which is far easier (and cheaper) to send by mail than a hardrive. The output looks quite good to me though I do see minor degradation. The distributer is to use these files to create internet downloads. So just seeking any comments on this process....and it there might be a better choice with Compressor

Suggestions on a good to source from which to learn Compressor

Re: Compression and Toast
June 26, 2010 11:20AM
Eighteen data DVDs? That's nuts. Should have used a portable drive. And if you had compressed to video DVDs, that would be even worse -- you lost three generations' worth of image quality. You did this to save something like $20 of postage? The drive itself would cost more, but you can reuse it.

Another approach to try next time is to see if they'll allow you to compress the internet downloads yourself, sending them one clip first as a proof to see if they're satisfied. Not all clients will accept that, but if they do, you could have delivered the files over the internet.
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