Importing slipt audio channels using XDCAM Transfer

Posted by Gregory Miller 
Importing slipt audio channels using XDCAM Transfer
July 08, 2010 02:11AM
I'm on v6.0.6 FCP
I'm importing Sony EX1 footage through XDCAM transfer.
I recorded separate audio tracks (two radio mics) but when I play the mov's and when I put them into the FCP project the audio is mixed and I can't separate the tracks.
I've tried a number of different settings in XDCAM transfer but cant find one that lets me bring over the audi on separate R/L tracks.

Hope someone can help.
Re: Importing slipt audio channels using XDCAM Transfer
July 08, 2010 02:14AM
You probably just converted the footage with the left/right channels in stereo pair. Select the linked clips in the timeline and press OPTION-L to break them.
Re: Importing slipt audio channels using XDCAM Transfer
July 08, 2010 02:34AM
You're absolutely right - I should have thought of that.
Thanks for such a speedy response.
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