Log And Transfer Trouble w .MTS
July 25, 2010 06:54PM
So I have received .mts files which I need to convert to pro res 422. I tried to bring it into log and transfer and I get this message. "contains unsupported media or has an invalid directory structure. Please choose a folder whose directory structure matches supported media."

I don?t know what the camera is because I was handed a drive without that info. Does anyone know a way to make this work is there a plugin that I need? I'm using FCP 7.0.1 with an 8 cor mac pro.
Re: Log And Transfer Trouble w .MTS
July 25, 2010 07:14PM
Log and transfer doesn't work with mts files. It must have the complete metadata for the media. You can use ClipWrap2 to transcode the files into whatever format works for you in FCP.

Of course without knowing what camera shot it and what frame resolution the media actually is in you can only guess at what you should convert it to. You really should go back to whoever handed you drive and find out if they have the faintest idea what they're doing.

All the best,

Re: Log And Transfer Trouble w .MTS
July 25, 2010 08:46PM
> Log and transfer doesn't work with mts files. It must have the complete metadata for the
> media.

To clarify Tom's post, he doesn't mean that you're toast. He means that you must have the complete folders that had come from the camera -- all the way down to the root level of the drive or memory card that had been storing the video information. Including files whose functions may not be apparent.

The original poster actually didn't say those files and folders are missing from the drive he was given; it's possible that he may simply be navigating to the wrong place.

When you mount the volume in Log and Transfer, make sure you navigate to a lower level of the folder structure containing the MTS files -- NOT to the MTS files themselves, or the single folder containing the MTS files.

On the Canon AVCHD camera I shoot, the first level of the card is a folder called "AVCHD"; that's what I mount when I use Log and Transfer. In my case, the folder containing the MTS files is called "STREAM"; FCP Log and Transfer does NOT understand this folder and will not recognize the media.

Re: Log And Transfer Trouble w .MTS
July 26, 2010 08:16PM
Thanks I think I will look into this clip wrap 2.
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