FCP 5.0 Media Manager Problem

Posted by B-man 
FCP 5.0 Media Manager Problem
July 28, 2010 02:23PM
Hey All,

Trying to reduce storage space used by old episodes via Media Manager. Using 5.0 FCP on Dual 2.3 G5, non intel chips, and yes running Tiger OSX on this machine.

I am only getting a reduction of less than 3GB on 123GB original source footage.

As I must name and label each clip separately, the Master-Affiliate relationship is broken from the start thereby making each clip used in program an independent clip. I then went and created new master clips, by choosing continue (in order to preserve the existing property info intact for each independent clip) as all suggested by manual. I also ensured that these new master clips (one for each independent clip) had in and out points set.

Yet, I am still am getting a minor (~3GB) reduction in overall media size.

Suggestions anyone???


Frustrated B-man
Re: FCP 5.0 Media Manager Problem
July 28, 2010 02:30PM

Under Media in MM window, I am using "Use Existing" setting with "Delete Unused Media from selected items" and "Use Handles (1 sec)" with Base Media File Names selection set to use existing names.

No duplication selected under Project.

Re: FCP 5.0 Media Manager Problem
July 28, 2010 02:48PM
All of the clips need Reel names. Do they have them?

Re: FCP 5.0 Media Manager Problem
July 28, 2010 02:54PM
Thanks Andrew,

No reel name, is there a way that I can now do that or would that be required during the Log and Capture phase?


Re: FCP 5.0 Media Manager Problem
July 28, 2010 03:11PM
Hi Andrew am Changing Clip Reel Names under item properties, logging info. Will this work properly?
Re: FCP 5.0 Media Manager Problem
July 28, 2010 03:12PM
You will get a warning that you are changing the metadata of the clip, but that should work.

Re: FCP 5.0 Media Manager Problem
July 28, 2010 03:40PM
Yup, as Strypes said you'll see a warning but just hit "okay." I do a lot of direct to disk capture and have to add reel names after the fact all the time.

Re: FCP 5.0 Media Manager Problem
July 31, 2010 08:57AM
change the reel names in in the browser's reel column.

you can change multiple clips at the one time.

a warning here:
it's generally recommended you DONT use "use existing" on a complex project.

especially in FCP5, you can get issues with speed modified clips not coming out right.

with "use existing" you'll lose the originals, naturally.

best to use COPY mode, check the results, and then delete the originals,
if you have enough room of course.

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