Green screen shows thru cross dissolves

Posted by rkalisek 
Green screen shows thru cross dissolves
August 02, 2010 09:36AM

First of all, apologies, because I'm sure this has been addressed somewhere -- I haven't found it.

I'm by no means a power user of FCP, but it is part of my job. While editing interviews (done against a green screen) during our convention last week, I was unable to use cross dissolves to soften cuts -- the background added to V1 would basically disappear, showing the green screen (most noticeably around the subject). Veescope Key was used, if that's important. Also, this seemed to be a problem of an unpredictable nature, i.e. I would drop in a dissolve, everything would appear to be fine, I'd add others, then the problem would appear (was really under the gun -- hard to remember specifics).

Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Re: Green screen shows thru cross dissolves
August 02, 2010 12:06PM
Sometimes I have the same problem with deinterlacing not showing with a cross fade.

What I would suggest is copy your effect from the clip (ie Veescope Key)and then delete the effect. Then highlight the clip with the crossfade, then paste the effect back. Do the same for the other side of the crossfade (ie the next shot). make sense?
Re: Green screen shows thru cross dissolves
August 02, 2010 12:46PM
Yes, thank you. When all my gear returns from Denver I'll give it a try!
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