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importing footage from a 7d into FCPPosted by Alex Frey
Hey all,
I know this is a forum for FCP specifically, but I'm sure many of you know the workflow for Canon's 7D, and I can't get a response on dvxuser..... When I connect the 7d to my mac via usb, the drive doesn't pop up on my desktop. Is there a specific mode I need to be in? If I press any button on the 7d, I get a "BUSY" on the top display. Do I need to install any software? If so, where could I find the download?
Firstly you need to download the free FCP Log and Transfer plug in from canon. This allows you to import your clips via log and transfer and it also converts as you import from H264 to Prores Secondly you cant connect the camera you have to use a CF card reader to get you footage in. thats it derek
According to discussions I read online, the camera does connect to the Mac, but it's not consistent:
[photography-on-the.net] [discussions.apple.com] That is the same case with my Canon HF S10. A much less expensive camera with both flash card and internal storage. This camera often takes two plugs of the cable in order for both the card and the camera's internal drive to show up on the desktop. It's a disappointing flaw for Canon. I've used many an external device that wasn't specifically designed for Mac -- a Zoom recorder, a Korg multitrack recorder, a Samson USB microphone, a Tascam audio interface, the Panasonic HVX200A -- and none of them has this "invisibility" problem. ![]() www.derekmok.com
Make sure you copy the files from the card to a drive location, then back it up, before you attempt to Log and Transfer.
And make sure you copy every single thing from the root level up. Everything on the card. Not just the folders that "look" useful, and not just the media files (H.264 QuickTimes). FCP will not recognize the file structure unless you have all the folders in place. ![]() www.derekmok.com
Connecting the camera direct only allows software interface, like iPhoto and IMAGE CAPTURE. to back up the card...which is HIGHLY recommended, you need a CF reader.
![]() www.shanerosseditor.com Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes [itunes.apple.com]
derek hillier Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Hello > > Firstly you need to download the free FCP Log and > Transfer plug in from canon. > This allows you to import your clips via log and > transfer and it also converts as you import from > H264 to Prores > > Secondly you cant connect the camera you have to > use a CF card reader to get you footage in. > > thats it > Hey thanks Derek. Do you by any chance have a link to the free download? I tried searching for it all over, but couldn't find it =( > derek
Shane Ross Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Connecting the camera direct only allows software > interface, like iPhoto and IMAGE CAPTURE. to back > up the card...which is HIGHLY recommended, you > need a CF reader. Actually, you can "right-click" or "control-click" in the L&T window to get an option to archive media to a disk image (DMG) file... Canon EOS L&T Plugin for FCP 6 and 7 (Near the end of the article is a link to the 5D product page. From there you can select "drivers & software" to get to the L&T plugin download.) -Dave
derekmok Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Make sure you copy the files from the card to a > drive location, then back it up, before you > attempt to Log and Transfer. > > And make sure you copy every single thing from the > root level up. Everything on the card. Not just > the folders that "look" useful, and not just the > media files (H.264 QuickTimes). FCP will not > recognize the file structure unless you have all > the folders in place. Hi Derek, Just got a Rebel T2i and tried copying files to the hard drive and didn't have any luck with the EOS FCP Import utility. I can copy the files back to the card and get them to import. Looks like Canon importer only will work from an external card. If you have a T2i, you have to tweak a file way down in the /library folder to get it to work. It's great since it will convert to a Apple prores file which is much easier to work with than the raw movie files from the camera. If you use them straight from the camera, you'll be stuck rendering your video for even the tiniest changes! Prores will swell the file to 5 times the original size, but you will have tons of flexibility modifying your files. You can even change the speed of the files over and over, and no rendering needed. Overlaying any text from the text tool with a drop shadow with cause a render to take place over just the affected length of the video clip. All the best, -Scott
>Just got a Rebel T2i and tried copying files to the hard drive and didn't have any luck with the EOS FCP Import utility.
Did you do the HACK to get it to work? [www.finalcutuser.com] GOTTA do that for this to work with the T2i. ![]() www.shanerosseditor.com Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes [itunes.apple.com]
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