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Tapeless Workflow Resources?Posted by Pam Noles
Hello, group mind!
Long time lurker, first time poster. If a newbie walked up to you and asked, what are the best resources out there for learning tapeless workflow management, with FCP as final destination?, where would you send her? "Newbie" defined as 102 level. "Resources" include books, websites, non-irritating podcasts or the like. "Her" defined as Me. Camera is first gen Sony XDCAM EX (yeah, I wish I owned it), editing with FCS 2/FCP 6 on a 10.6.4 MBP laptop, sometimes on an Elderly G4 tower elsewhere, with all media dumped onto a GTech external. Clips imported and logged via XDCAM transfer. Admit that "logging" is at times less Refined and more Just Dump It All And Deal With It Later. Asking because I can already see my Doom on the horizon, and I'd rather not, thank you. I need to educate myself on tapeless workflow, and fairly quickly. If anyone can save me from myself, I figure you all can. Thank you in advance for any advice you choose to provide. Pam
watch a great overview here:
[library.creativecow.net] (created by lafcpug moderator shane ross) nick
Make sure you keep the directory structure when you're working with tapeless formats, and know what to rename.
To add to Shane's tutorials, for anything ingested through Log and Transfer, FCP will give it a UUID (unique user id) tag to the clip. This metadata is hidden in the quicktime file and in your FCP project. The benefit of this is that it lets you easily re-capture your footage, even if you have renamed your clip. Shane will demonstrate the batch recapturing in his excellent tutorial. ![]() www.strypesinpost.com
strypes Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Make sure you keep the directory structure when > you're working with tapeless formats, and know > what to rename. > > To add to Shane's tutorials, for anything ingested > through Log and Transfer, FCP will give it a UUID > (unique user id) tag to the clip. This metadata is > hidden in the quicktime file and in your FCP > project. The benefit of this is that it lets you > easily re-capture your footage, even if you have > renamed your clip. Shane will demonstrate the > batch recapturing in his excellent tutorial. Thank you so very much for this! Was unaware of the hidden metadata.
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