Panasonic HMC40 Crashing when injesting HD1080i 60. And What sequence presets?

Posted by bethany 
Panasonic HMC40 Crashing when injesting HD1080i 60. And What sequence presets?
October 10, 2010 11:15AM
The Frames per sec. are different with the AVCCAM workflow. I logged and transfered my media, but am unsure what sequence presets I need for new projects?

Example, when I shot in the PH1080 60i. the files were like 2580 X 1080???? And when they played back they were all slow and choppy, something like I had the wrong sequence presets for my project in regard to frame rate. It would even give me a message when I dragged my video down to the timeline that the sequence presets didn't match.

After log and transfer and when you want to start a new project with sequence presets. What should they be for each format in regard to this camera? The difference in Frame rates is now befuddling me. I understand what frame rates mean, but even after conversion these aren't matching the sequences? I read something about trying the prores sequences????

What FCP sequence presets should I use for each of the following, so my frame rates match etc?

PH1080 60i =
PH1080 30p=
PH 1080 24p =
PH 720 60p =
PH 720 30p =
PH 720 24p =
HA 1080 60i =
HG1080 60i =
HE1080 60i=

Hope to hear from ya!
Re: Panasonic HMC40 Crashing when injesting HD1080i 60. And What sequence presets?
October 10, 2010 11:36AM
My clip frame sizes are coming in at 2560 X 1080???? What is up with that weird size???? My frame rates now match my sequence presets, but when I want to drag my clip to the timeline it says the presets don't match. Yet, I don't convert it and it seems fine now. Then when I click the clip in the timeline it has it as as the same frame size as the sequence even though I didn't covert it over. Yet, I then try to see what the frame size of the clip is in the browser and it is still huge at 2560 X 1080.

I am totally screwed up with this sequence conversion work flow thing. I am only using a class four card with 4 Gigs, because I first wanted to test it out. Could it also have to do with the quality of my card, why the image was so choppy when I shot in the PH 1080 mode?????
Re: Panasonic HMC40 Crashing when injesting HD1080i 60. And What sequence presets?
October 10, 2010 01:19PM
Where are you seeing these sizes? Not using Quicktime are you? Look at what FCP says. Scroll to the right in the Browser, or right-click on the clips and choose ITEM PROPERTIES.

Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes
Re: Panasonic HMC40 Crashing when injesting HD1080i 60. And What sequence presets?
October 10, 2010 02:44PM
Yes, I am seeing them in item properties.
Re: Panasonic HMC40 Crashing when injesting HD1080i 60. And What sequence presets?
October 10, 2010 04:39PM
Trash those and try again. That's really odd. Might trash your FCP preferences while you are at it.

Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes
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