"Show Movie Properties" select "composition" out of synch--help!

Posted by ellie 
"Show Movie Properties" select "composition" out of synch--help!
October 20, 2010 02:14AM
Hi, everyone.

I was happy to learn of a way to keep the color and darkness that I saw in my FCP Canvas in my Quicktime Movie. The problem now though is that the movie is out of synch. What can I do? Is there an audio setting that I am supposed to hit when I follow these instructions given at [provideocoalition.com]:

* In QuickTime Player Pro, after rendering or exporting using the H.264 codec, select Show Movie Properties.
* Select the video track, then click on the Visual Settings tab.
* Click on the Visual Settings tab.
* Near the bottom left, click on the Transparency popup menu. If you are on Mac, select Composition. If you are on Windows, select Blend, set the Transparency Level slider to 100%, and then select Straight Alpha. Then re-save the file.

I am on a Mac and working with h.264 QuickTime movies.

Thank you.

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