Multi Camera Editing

Posted by madrom 
Multi Camera Editing
October 20, 2010 12:56PM
Hello everyone,

I've just run into a problem I've never seen before. I made a multi clip sequence like I always do. I dropped it into a sequence with settings to match the media. I opened the sync, but the viewer will not play. It jumps the playhead to match the timeline after I hit stop, but the viewer will not play. I checked the RT menu in the timeline. It basically says 'Play Base Layer Only.' 'Record to Tape' is grayed out. Then there are two choices, 'Use Playback Settings,' and 'Full Quality.'

Mac Tower 2 x 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
Memory: 16 GB
OS X 10.5.8
FCP 7.0.2
QTPRO 7.6.6 (1632) - QuickTime Version 7.6.6 (1674)

Video Format: We shot on Red Cameras (4K, 23.98 fps) After data was transferred, I used Red Rushes to convert R3D files to ProRes 422 (LT), 23.98, 1/4 Debayer, 640 x 480).

In the sequence settings, I have 960 x 540 for frame size, square aspect ration, 23.98 editing timebase, and Apple ProRes 422 (LT) as the Compressor.

I don't have any clue as to why this would happen, for I've used ProRes 422 (LT) before and it has worked fine. I've also used Red footage as well, though not converted to these specs.

Here's what I've done so far. I've created new sequences and let FCP change the settings for me. When I drop in the multi clip, there are no renders needed, where usually I get a green render bar for uncollapsed multiclips.

I've rebooted. I've checked the sequence settings, system settings (multiclip is enabled). I've looked up this problem and found one other instance. No solution had been given.

This has to be something completely simple that I am overlooking, for I'm really at a loss.

Thank you for your time.

Mike R.
Re: Multi Camera Editing
October 22, 2010 09:31AM
Just in case anyone else has this issue, the problem was resolved. The issue was the frame size. The 960 x 540 frame size I was left with by Redrushes is not a standard size. FCP, I gather, isn't set up for non-standard frame sizes to run using a multiclip. It will run in real time in the canvas, but open syncing will not work.

I simply converted everything in compressor keeping everything else the exact same, including the file name itself, but the frame size. I changed that to 720 x 480.

Hope anyone with this issue in the
Re: Multi Camera Editing
October 23, 2010 01:11AM
Thanks for posting the answer madrom smiling smiley It will help someone, for sure.

Re: Multi Camera Editing
October 23, 2010 07:53AM
>FCP, I gather, isn't set up for non-standard frame sizes to run using a multiclip.

That's a good point. I can't believe I missed that. Yea, always convert to a video format for offline editing.
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