50 cycle flicker but not?

Posted by jwatt 
50 cycle flicker but not?
October 28, 2010 02:50PM
I'm editing some material shot in a lit cave in Vietnam and it has a 50 cycle flicker as if it were shot without the 100th of a second shutter. However I did shoot it with the shutter and while shooting was aware there was a problem. At the time, tried several different options to remove the flicker, but bottom line, was never successful.

Anyone have a suggestion on how to correct this? I tried the flicker filter in FCP and didn't see any improvement. In fact I think it made it worse. Material was shot with EX-3, 1080/60i at 29.97 FPS.

Thx...Jim Watt
Re: 50 cycle flicker but not?
October 28, 2010 02:54PM
>Material was shot with EX-3, 1080/60i at 29.97 FPS.

Avoid shooting under flourescant or natural indoor lighting if the frame rate does not match the electrical current. The shutter speed is supposed to be a multiple of your frame rate.

Re: 50 cycle flicker but not?
October 28, 2010 04:07PM
I think After Effects has a filter that can correct this.

All the best,

Re: 50 cycle flicker but not?
October 28, 2010 06:00PM
The best FCP plugin for this I have used is Flicker2 from The Foundry


Expensive but they have a demo to see if it fixes what you want.

Then you can rent the plugin for a period so you can fix your issue and not have to buy the whole suite.

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