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Quicktime File from FCP not playing on new IMACPosted by ajmax
my Quicktime file i export from FCP that is DVCPROHD codec 720 60p is not playing on my client's new imac. I have FCP 6.6 and Quicktime 7.6.6 on my computer.
I do not know what Quicktime they have on their computer but, they just got their imac 1 week ago. could they have a codec problem? I can not re due the project i gave them. Is there something they can do on their computer that will allow them to see the file i gave them? Thanks
> could they have a codec problem?
Yes. DVCPro HD is a codec that comes with the FCP package, so it may not be part of the iMac's QuickTime components. An MPEG-4 or QuickTime movie in H.264 codec should play on pretty much any Mac that was bought in the last five years or so. If that doesn't work for some reason, you can also pick an older codec (for example, codecs like Motion JPEG A, Photo JPEG, MPEG-4. H.263 and DV NTSC have been around forever) which will have a higher likelihood of being part of their system. www.derekmok.com
Try installing the Panasonic P2 CMS. It used to come with a DvcproHD codec for Quicktime and it's free.
[pro-av.panasonic.net] www.strypesinpost.com
your client probably doesn't have FCP installed,
so they probably don't have the DVProHD codec. you could try to get your client to instal a DVCProHD codec, but why should they do all the work? if they're not technical, they wont really like having to do that. you say you cant re-do all the work, but you dont have to, all you have to do is to give them a file in a codec they can play. do you have the project and it's media still? my geuss is no, but if you do, you can export with QuickTime conversion and make an H264 file. better yet, take your DVCProHD export and run it though Compressor. you do still have *something* of the project, i hope, even just an export? nick
>can my client install an older viersion of Quicktime that can play the codec?
No. I have no idea where you get that idea from, but they need to install the DvcproHD codec, which comes with Final Cut Pro. If they do not have Final Cut Pro, you can perhaps get them to install Panasonic's P2 CMS, which comes with a Panasonic DvcproHD codec component for Quicktime. But as Nick pointed out, getting your client to muck around with their system is usually not the best way to go. If they need a version for preview, encode one in H.264. www.strypesinpost.com
ajmax Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > my Quicktime file i export from FCP that is > DVCPROHD codec 720 60p is not playing on my > client's new imac. I have FCP 6.6 and Quicktime > 7.6.6 on my computer. > I do not know what Quicktime they have on their > computer but, they just got their imac 1 week ago. > could they have a codec problem? I can not re due > the project i gave them. Is there something they > can do on their computer that will allow them to > see the file i gave them? > Thanks Hi there ajmax, Think you got your answer. But what I would do is to output the project through compressor as an MP4 file. Create a youtube account, upload as an "unlisted" video send them a link to the unlisted video. That's what I do. The video is basically invisible from the public side of YouTube. This only applies if you just want them to review it. If they want to be able to edit it, that's a whole other story. You might want to have you clients install Perian, that will give lots of extra codecs, but as other have mentioned, not the FCP codecs. -Scott
Thanks for the Perian idea... i already give them a vimeo version for review. I need to give them the same as source file so they can take it and covert it down to flash for their website. I want to keepit as native as possible so they can have a clean down conversion as possible. will making it a H.264 compress it too much and look dirty?
>I need to give them the same as source file so they can take it and covert it down to flash for their website.
In that case encode a ProRes file. The ProRes decoder is availalble with any recent updates of Quicktime. www.strypesinpost.com
And ProRes will work on any Windows XP r2 or better machine!
strypes Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > >I need to give them the same as source file so > they can take it and covert it down to flash for > their website. > > In that case encode a ProRes file. The ProRes > decoder is availalble with any recent updates of > Quicktime.
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