Red footage media management help

Posted by paul kelleher 
Red footage media management help
November 21, 2010 02:58PM
I have a project shot w/ the red camera, all footage transcoded to pro res. The finished projects are two 5 minute shorts. I media managed the final projects so the pro res footage is safe. Is there any way to media manage the red cam footage, saving only the parts I used in the finished pieces? The media managed pro res is only 4 or 5 gigs and the entire red raw shoot footage is 280GBs so I dont want to store that.

Any thoughts?


Re: Red footage media management help
November 21, 2010 03:02PM
These are your camera masters. Not only should you not try to trim them, but you should have them on at least two backups.

If you really, really, really want to ditch some of them, every take is stored in its own folder so you can try erasing the takes you didn't use. I really, really, really don't recommend it, though. It'd be like burning your 35mm camera negatives just because your store room isn't big enough. You spent the money to shoot, crew and generate 280GB of RED footage; you really can't afford $250 to buy two 500GB drives to store and backup your camera masters?
Re: Red footage media management help
November 21, 2010 03:05PM
There is no way to render out new R3D files, trimmed to only what you used, if that's what you mean by media manage.

I think ClipFinder will copy only the clips you use to a partition but if you used 1 frame from every shot that's not going to be much help.

What Derek says is true. Throwing out your neg is never a good idea.
Take the drive to a place that has LTO and have tapes made. Verify they work as backups and store them well.

Sleeplings, AWAKE!
Re: Red footage media management help
November 21, 2010 03:05PM
Re: Red footage media management help
November 21, 2010 03:09PM
As Derek said, keep the cam masters. If for some reason you need to mm the red footage for remote finishing on a different workstation, you can use the workflow to generate wrapped qts. The workflow may be a lil buggy (eg loop bug, the hours from midnight issue, etc), so be on your toes.
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