Best Workflow

Posted by michaelpaulucci 
Best Workflow
November 29, 2010 09:53PM

I have started editing Music Video and I wanted to get an idea for the BEST more EFFICIENT workflow that people use for doing this type of work.

I basically have about 8 or 9 performances of the song that I have been stacking up in the time line. I line them all up with the music and pick which parts I like best. The problem I encountered with this is I didn't know how to make tracks that were stacked on the bottom show up in the timeline show up in the Canvas with the recorded song. So then I went through and merged all the clips to the song, but even this proved to be hassle. There HAS to be a simpler way. What would you do? Help me please!

Thanks so much,

Michael Paulucci
Re: Best Workflow
November 29, 2010 10:06PM
Line them up and multi clip. Or if you had sent a feed from the song into one of the audio channels, you can use plural eyes to do it for you.

For multicam, you need a fast drive, or copy a few angles onto a few drives, so they don't drop frames on playback.
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